has posted the following casting call for The Incredible Hulk:
The Incredible Hulk
Marvel Studios – Featured Film
Casting Director: Laray Mayfield
Have your Agent submit Electronically to:
Laray Mayfield
Thin Body Movement Actor
6’4, Male, All Ethnicity, Lanky Build.
Medium Body Movement Actor
5’10” – 6″, Male, All Ethnicity, Medium Build.
Stocky Body Movement Actor
6’2″ – 6’4″Location: Toronto
Meanwhile, a newsletter from The Toronto Film and Television Office has a bit more on the location shouting:
Jim Van Wyck, the Executive Producer of “The Incredible Hulk” met with Rhonda Silverstone and the staff of the TFTO to discuss locations for his upcoming feature film.
He showed staff the storyboards and everyone had the opportunity to suggest locations and ask questions.
Jim commented on his great experience in Toronto while working on “16 Blocks” and stated he looks forward to working here again.
Source: Superhero Hype!