MTV talked to Frank Miler about Sin City 2, which he expects to start shooting in June with Robert Rodriguez:
Marv died in “Sin City” — but that doesn’t mean Mickey Rourke won’t be back for the sequel.
Ditto for Dwight (Clive Owen), Shellie (Brittany Murphy), Nancy (Jessica Alba), Manute (Michael Clarke Duncan), Gail (Rosario Dawson) and the rest of the Old Town gang. That’s because “Sin City” is the “Pulp Fiction” of comic-book adaptations — since the interlinking stories aren’t linear, when it comes time for the next installment in theaters, you’ll get a prequel and a sequel at the same time.
“It jumps around a bit,” writer/co-director Frank Miller said, “but mostly it’s one story, incorporating some short stories that weave in and out of that.”
Click the link above for the full interview.
Source: MTV