Patrick Stewart on X-Men 3 says UK’s DreamWatch magazine has a new interview with Patrick Stewart in which he talks about X-Men 3. Here’s a clip:

“The script, I believe, is the best script of the three.” he said “It’s very intense, it’s very emotional, it’s very personal about the individuals that we’ve already got to know in the first two movies. It has some astonishing set-piece sequences. It has a number of quite significant deaths. [From] what I’ve seen so far, I think, it’s likely to be extraordinary. Some absolutely outstanding work is happening in Vancouver – including from some of the new people who’ve come onboard ranging from Kelsey Grammer to Vinnie Jones, who are now part of the X-MEN family, If anyone saw Brett’s RED DRAGON, which I thought was an outstanding film, I don’t think they have any reason to be nervous.”

Check out more of the interview at the link above.

