New Report From the Ghost Rider Set

‘Maarten’ continues to provide us with his great reports from the Ghost Rider set. The movie, directed by Mark Steven Johnson and starring Nicolas Cage, is currently filming in Melbourne:

I was at the Little Lonsdale Street set last night to bare witness to the crew exploding it at around 11.30pm.

The fans and crowd were kept well away from the shoot, purely for safety reasons because it looked like there was a LOT of explosive materials at the site.

From about 8.30 until around 10.30 we watched the stunt man ride the stuntcycle full boar up and down Lt Lonsdale Street, to be met by the screeching of the tyres at the barricades on Elizabeth Street. This was REALLY good. 🙂

After the wait to see what they were going to do next however was well worth it. At around 11.30 there was quiet on the set as we then heard 3 loud pops and a sudden explosion which can only be described as massive.

I can’t wait to see this on the big screen, as it’ll literally blow the audience away, it was just that big.

I went back to the set around lunchtime today to see three cars embedded in the shopfronts, and said shopfronts burnt beyond belief, with debris strewn everywhere.

Security guards and barricades again blocked anyone from getting anywhere near the destroyed set, but it looks that good that I overheard people wondering, “just how the accident occured, what happened, and if anyone was hurt.”

Knowing that it was all for the Ghost Rider movie, however, I walked away with glee.


Source: Maarten
