‘Maarten’ is back with another report from the Ghost Rider set in Melbourne:
I’ve just been from the Little Lonsdale Street set for Ghost Rider, where tonight they were shooting exterior shots of the factory (which haven’t been seen on any of the photos leaked online). This factory is metallic, and basically just a left-handed side view of a factory.
The circus tour bus (seen on this site some time past) was there in the alley, driving back and forth. The design of the bus is identical to the stunt cycle, by the way.
There weren’t any of the cast there tonight but I did see Mark Steven Johnson. Also an orange motorcycle, and what looked like a pick-up truck being driven around next to the factory.
Filming is running into the night and I’m sure there will be photos leaked. People were sneaking up to the parking bay across the road. In the 3 hours I were there 3 sets of people got a talking to by security. Not to mention all the people who made it onto their shop roofs on surrounding shops. So yeah, expect some leaked photos.
Meanwhile, ‘Hor’ pointed us to two items on the movie. First up, The Actors Cafe reports that Matt Norman is part of the cast:
As most of you know, Matt Norman (CEO of The Actors Cafe Pty Ltd) is also an actor. Matt has been given a role in the new Nicholas Cage film “Ghost Rider” which started shooting in February. Matt jumped through the roof with the news that he would be playing opposite Cage in this $40Mil US blockbuster.
And Moviehole says the production has decided to scrap plans to film an enormous crowd scene at Telstra Dome:
According to The Herald Sun, computer-generated figures will now be used for the scene. Last year, Director Mark Steven Johnson said he’d be advertising for extras to fill the stadium and make it a real fun day for them – giveaways and the like. But a spokesperson for the film says they’re now going with the cyber crowd – and well, they’re not as hungry for freebies.
Source: Maarten, Hor