Here’s one that came out of nowhere, and might be nothing, but who knows. A scooper sent us a scan of a call sheet that was apparently used for the August 15th shoot on Batman Begins in Chicago. We’ve cropped it to where it doesn’t show the production’s “personal” info, and while the info on what was shot is cool, the most interesting bit comes in the Cast list which includes a certain T. Welling as Kent…

While it doesn’t says specically “Tom” (who else could it be?), could Tom – who stars as Clark Kent in The WB’s Smallville – really have a cameo role in the film? Maybe this is what he was meeting with Warner Bros. about instead of the Superman movie? Is this a real Call Sheet or a fake? If it’s a fake, it’s one of the best fakes we’ve ever seen!
In related news, an anonymous source also provided us with this picture of a ninja costume that was used in the film…

Source: Superhero Hype!