The fan reports from Chicago just keep coming in about the filming of Batman Begins in the Windy City. We’ll start with pictures from ‘Pepper’ divided-up into two parts. Here are photos of the Batmobiles in Lower Wacker…

Next up, here are the pictures from ‘Pepper’ of the Batmobile getting ready for a chase scene on Lower Wacker…

Meanwhile, ‘typeorocks’ posted more pictures from the filming on the SHH! Boards and says…
I took some pics at the batman filming on sat 7/31/04. I saw them filming just some Gotham police cars with their lights on. They were following a SUV that had a camera mounted behind it very low to the ground.
Next up is ‘Steve’ with a report…
I was working in the general growth building on randolph and wacker drive while they were setting up for batman and a couple of crew guys were in and out of the building taking shots from the river level section of the building facing the river. Also noticed all kinds of boxes set up all over the place, not sure what they were, there was a huge light tower right in front of the sears tower and they had all the street lights off, was looking like a perfect gothem city(chi-town) real cloudy, was perfect for shot, lot of people hanging out on wacker tonight, also there were gpd gotham police department cars out in view for a while. Security at the buiding said that they asked if they could use the building later in the morning but not sure if they got the ok, I talked to one of the guys watching ramps and asked him where the action was and he said that they were doing something in the tunnels but not sure what that meant.
‘Zerotek’ also writes…
I am writing to tell you guys about the batman filming that happened on monday night. They were filming the part where the batmobile goes into lower wacker drive being followed by two cop cars. When they are on the ramp to go to lower wacker drive one of the two cop cars crash into the guard rails as part of the filming. They did about 3 or 4 takes but when they were doing one of the takes something happened to the batmoblie that they roll it do to lower wacker drive and towed it away. That was about it when I left like at 2am.
Here’s a picture the scooper sent…

And ‘Spyweb’ says there’s been more TV coverage on the filming…
I just caught a brief snippet of info on WGN’s nine o’clock news and it had a small report from the set of ‘Batman Begins.’ Well, ‘report’ is stretching it, as the thing only lasted a few seconds, but in my geekiness, I thought it was cool. Anyway, they showed a clip of Katie Holmes and Christian Bale waiting for the next ‘Action’ to be yelled, as they were both sitting in a green car (as part of the set), with Katie in the driver’s seat, and Christian (yawning), sitting in the passenger’s seat. Does Brucey have a new, lady chauffeur? :p They also had a few shots of some ‘GCPD’ police cars, and said the shooting was to last three more weeks, and mostly at night. Not much, but it’s… well, something!

Source: Superhero Hype!