Huge New Gallery of Hellboy Pictures!

Columbia Pictures has provided Superhero Hype! with more high-quality images from the Hellboy movie, hitting theaters on April 2. You can check out the six pages packed with images here!

Born in the flames of hell, and brought to our world in a pagan ritual, the fierce red hero, Hellboy (Ron Perlman), was saved by his friend and mentor, the benevolent Dr. Broom (John Hurt). Raised in Broom’s Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense, Hellboy joins the likes of the “Mer-Man” Abe Sapien, Liz Sherman (Selma Blair), the woman he loves who can psychically control fire, and Myers, the FBI agent who is his rival for Liz’s affections. Together, our heroes must come to terms with fantastic powers that prove to be both a blessing and a curse. In the process they discover that their abilities serve to benefit mankind but may also keep them forever isolated from the society that only they can protect.

Hellboy is written and directed by Guillermo del Toro. The comics were created by Mike Mignola.

Source: Columbia Pictures
