Kid Omega from X-Men
(Image Source: Marvel / Elizabeth Torque)

X-Men #10 Reveals Why Cyclops Tolerates Kid Omega

Quentin Quire, the self-dubbed Kid Omega, is not well-liked or respected by most of his fellow X-Men. He started as a villain, the chief antagonist of the “Riot At Xavier’s” storyline. Since then, he’s made some questionable judgment calls while nominally trying to be a better person. Despite this, he is still a smug, arrogant jerk, whose mind Psylocke refuses to read. However, Cyclops has his reasons for keeping Quentin around, as revealed in X-Men #10 by Jed MacKay, Netho Diaz, and Sean Parsons.

The story opens as the X-Men return home after the Raid on Greymalkin crossover event. Beast was successfully freed from the anti-Mutant prison, but our heroes are exhausted and licking their wounds. Unfortunately, the raid prompts a counterattack by the Office of National Emergency (O.N.E.), which monitors Mutant activity on behalf of the American government.

Cyclops attempts to de-escalate the situation by requesting a one-on-one meeting with O.N.E. Agent Lundquist. The two previously butted heads and Lundquist made it clear he was waiting for an excuse to go after the X-Men. Cyclops stops him short, however, by pointing out how costly a race war on Mutantkind would be for the USA. This coincides with the Hellions taking on a covert mission to destroy as many O.N.E bases as possible while leaving their agents alive.

Cyclops confronts ONE in X-Men 10
(Image Source: Marvel / Netho Diaz & Sean Parsons)

However, Cyclops has one final card to play. He points out that if he dies, his wife, Jean Grey, will be upset, and how this could be lethal for the world. Lundquist withdraws his troops rather than risk Phoenix destroying the Earth.

Cyclops keeps Kid Omega in X-Men to stop Phoenix

After O.N.E. clears out, Kid Omega approaches Cyclops about his confrontation with Agent Lundquist. He asks if Cyclops really believes that Phoenix would burn the world if Scott Summers died. As a former host to the Phoenix Force himself, Quentin knows all too well how it responds to extreme emotion.

Cyclops Reveals Reason For Keeping Kid Omega Around in X-Men 10
(Image Source: Marvel / Netho Diaz & Sean Parsons)

Cyclops replies that he can’t rule it out, but he has a plan in place should that happen. That plan involves Quentin Quire fighting Jean Grey for control of the Phoenix Force. This, Cyclops reveals, is why he keeps Kid Omega on his team — he’s the ultimate failsafe against another Dark Phoenix. Based on his expression in the final panel, however, Quentin is less than confident about his chances in that fight.

X-Men #10 is now available at comic shops everywhere.
