Alison Blaire has been many things in her life. A trendsetter. A hero. A superstar. Now the woman called Dazzler is taking on a new role: savior. With the world hurting, Alison will use her celebrity and the power of music to build a better world outside the aegis of the X-Men.
Written by Jason Loo, with art by Rafael Loureiro, Dazzler #1 will reintroduce the Mutant musician for the From the Ashes era. The new series will explore the nature of celebrity in the Marvel Universe, as well as the challenges even famous Mutants face following the fall of Krakoa. However, it will also act as a new sort of comic, being based around music as well as visuals.
“Ever since I can remember, I’ve been crazy about two things: music and drawing comics, shared Loureiro. ” To think that I would be able to combine both passions in my Marvel debut is beyond my wildest dreams.” Loo was equally enthusiastic, promising readers “backstage access to the greatest show of the decade: the Dazzler World Tour!”
The Terry Dodson and Rachel Dodson cover of Dazzler #1 can be viewed below.

The Story of Dazzler’s New Solo Series
Loo was not being hyperbolic in describing the first issue as the kickoff of Dazzler’s World Tour. The comic finds Alison Blair hitting the road while hoping to write a song that will unite humanity. She is joined on tour with head of security Domino, personal guard Strong Guy, one-man roadie Multiple Man, drummer Shark-Girl, and expert publicist Wind Dancer.
Beyond being based around the music industry of the Marvel Universe, the book will also feature song lyrics from Dazzler’s notebook. Loo promises that fans will be able to sing along to some new, original songs off of her new album. “Some of them may be about her exes.”
Dazzler #1 arrives in comic shops everywhere on September 18, 2024.