The era of Excalibur is over, and Otherworld has fallen! Merlyn has seized control, and he plans to exterminate the “witchbreed” of Otherworld, which is just another way of saying he wants to kill all of the mutants. When Merlyn is done with Otherworld, he may turn his sights to Earth as well. Betsy Braddock (a.k.a. Captain Britain) is the last hero of Krakoa in Otherworld. And she’s fighting a lonely war against Merlyn’s forces. However, there’s only so much that Betsy can handle on her own. Knights of X #1.
In Superhero Hype’s exclusive preview for Knights of X #1, writer Tini Howard and artist Bob Quinn chronicle a vicious attack by Merlyn’s Furies. Naturally, Betsy makes her triumphant return in their defense. But if Betsy wants a chance in this war, then she needs a new team.
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Here’s the official description from Marvel.
The gates to Otherworld are closed—and Captain Britain is trapped on the wrong side! Usurpers Merlyn and his right-hand man, King Arthur, are now in control of Lunatic Citadel. Furies the size of Sentinels raze villages to the ground in their hunt for the “witchbreed.” Cutoff from Krakoa, Betsy Braddock is Otherworld’s only hero—and to save her people, Betsy must recruit a round table of her own.
The Knights of X gather to restore the rightful order and rescue desperate mutants—but their quest is about to get so much bigger than that. This is the era of destiny…and the fate of Otherworld lies at the center of mutantkind’s future. Don’t miss this essential piece of the new Krakoa!”
You can read the full preview in our gallery below. Knights of X #1 will hit comic book stores on Wednesday, April 27.
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Exclusive Preview: Knights of X #!
Knights of X #1 cover
Cover illustrated by Yanick Paquette.
Knights of X #1 page 1
Pages illustrated by Bob Quinn, colors by Erick Arciniega. and letters by Ariana Maher.
Knights of X #1 page 2
Knights of X #1 page 3