The Season 2 finale of The Wheel of Time — which aired on Thursday, October 5 — includes an unexpected appearance from a character who had previously died onscreen — Guy Roberts’ Shienaran warrior, Uno Nomesta. According to showrunner Rafe Judkins, Uno’s presence ties him to another character from the source novels.
Judkins spoke to Nerdist about the episode, which culminated in a dazzling scene that brought a band of legendary heroes from the past back to life to win a crucial battle. One of these, deviating from the source novels, was Uno. Although the character comes from The Wheel of Time book series, his death in Season 2 was unique to the show, and consequently so was his revival with the Heroes of the Horn.
However, each of these Heroes has an identity of their own in the books, and several can be identified in the show based on their descriptions. Uno appears to be taking the place of one of these, implying that he lived a past life in the Age of Legends. Judkins explained, “We did have that plan [for Uno] because we’re combining… This is a little bit of an Easter egg spoiler. Some hardcore fans will notice. But we signal very clearly another character in the books that we’ve combined Uno with. Two swords.”
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Judkins’ hint makes it clear that Uno has been merged with Gaidal Cain, who wore two swords on his back and was said to be short with a rough look. He is romantically linked to another of the Heroes of the Horn, Birgitte Silverbow, who was seen beside Uno in the scene and was also referenced in The Wheel of Time’s Season 1.
The Wheel of Time, based on the beloved book series by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson, is set in a world where certain women have access to powerful magic and can join the feared and respected order of Aes Sedai. However, men with the same ability are doomed to mentally snap and endanger everyone around them, even the destined savior known as the Dragon Reborn.
The Wheel of Time Seasons 1 and 2 are streaming now on Prime Video.