Rodriguez Says He’s Got the Lead for Madman

Moviehole chatted with filmmaker Robert Rodriguez and the Madman movie came up. Here’s clips from the article, thanks to ‘Clint’.

And what about the recently mooted “Madman”?

“Mad Man”, we’re writing “Mad Man” right now. Yes, Mike Hollard’s going to come down, he just finished moving, he’s coming in the next couple of weeks to come go through what we’ve been working up and see what he thinks.”

Rodriguez says it’s early days for the casting, but there’s a chance some of his former “Spy Kids” and “Desperado” cast might have parts. And the lead role? “I can say, but — I know who but I can’t say right now. We do have somebody.”

The site goes on to say that there’s rumors it might be Johnny Depp, but Rodriguez didn’t confirm that.

Source: Moviehole
