All the Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite news out of the San Diego Comic-Con panel
Marvel and Capcom presented a bunch of new info for the upcoming game Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite at their panel at San Diego Comic-Con. ComingSoon.net was there and we’ve got all the reveals for you right here. Yesterday at the Marvel games panel, we saw the new gameplay trailer with Spider-Man, Frank West and Thanos, which you can watch in the player below. Today’s panel gave us info on some new features of Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, including a vow to fix Chun-Li’s face, mashup locations and more.
RELATED: Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite Gameplay Trailer with Spider-Man and Thanos
First up at the Marvel vs. Capcom panel, we learned a little more about the story. Ultron and Sigma have merged to become one being called Ultron Sigma and he’s merging the universes, and trying to turn the mortals into robots. We actually got to see one of these moments in a clip where Ultron Sigma holds his hands on the head of two of Thor’s soldiers and they they slowly fill with purple light. That’s the goal and the two universes’ heroes have to find an unlikely foe to help them; Thanos. He’s been caught by Ultron Sigma and the heroes send his daughter Gamora in to get help finding the Infinity Stones. These stones actually help you in battle, giving you a power move and filling your meter up super fast.
Bill Rosemann, creative director for Marvel said, “We sat down and we made lists of identifying visuals that they could incorporate into the story. This first scene sets the stage.” Writer Paul Gardner told the crowd that they were really influenced by Brian Michael Bendis’ “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” in which Ultron has already won and the heroes have to undo what was done. It’s the same here, as the heroes have to find out how to fix the merged universes.
We also got a look at three of the merged worlds. The first one we see is Xgard, a mix of Asgard and Abel City. We can see the bifrost bridge from Asgard, but it’s more of a highway, which is a call back to the highway level from Mega Man X. When you play story mode, we were told, you’ll see this location a lot. It’s where it all begins.
The next location we got to see art for was Knowmoon, a mashup of Knowhere and The Third Moon. Here we find Rocket, of course. We see the giant floating head from Guardians merged with the glowing core and space station from Strider. Here is where we see the game’s Grandmaster Meio as an NPC. Meio wants to manipulate life and control it and has been working with Ultron Sigma. Here, the heroes have to talk to Thanos and decide if they can trust him. Needless to say, this isn’t a popular plan with everyone. The big bargaining chip with Ultron? Well, how can you destroy humanity if they’re all robots?
Gardner told us that this is the place everyone splits up. They had 25 characters, he said and they had to find a way to get them onto the screen in smaller chunks. In a clip, we see one of the splits. Rocket and Mega Man are on the ground and they think they see Zero. He says, “No, I’m Oblivion.” Rocket explains that he’s been re-written by Grandmaster Meio. He sends Nova and Captain Marvel off to get to the core and says he can handle it.
We heard about the teaming up of Strider and Gamora and how, as assassins, they seemed like a natural pair up. They’re both used to working alone, we were told, and this is a perfect opportunity for them to learn from each other.
The next place we saw art for was Valkanda, a mash up of Wakanda and Val Haber from Monster Hunter. When the heroes get there, it’s a utopia ruled by Black Panther. Of course, that doesn’t last. In a video, we saw the Hulk and Ryu fighting the monsters that have been created out of the landscape. Both of those characters are trying to keep down evil or anger and it seems like a logical joining.
Finally, we saw A.I.M.brella, a mash up of A.I.M. and Umbrella from Resident Evil. Here, we find that they’re making a biological weapon in addition to the robots, though what it actually was wasn’t revealed. We see MODOK in the background, as we saw in the trailer released this morning, with one of his army of robots bringing him juice. MODOK actually has the mind stone, and you have to get it back.
In a clip, we see Chris Redfield from Resident Evil trying to contact help when he meets up with Spider-Man. Chris wants to work alone, but Spider-Man wants to help. The bio-monsters don’t look easy to beat, and we were told that they are much faster than the ones in Resident Evil. Spidey mentions feeling like there was something evil and malignant here, and in walks none other than Frank West (announced yesterday.) He’s been hearing rumors and started looking around. He said, “I’m not a cub reporter. I’ve covered wars, you know,” after which the audience broke out in laughter. They also run into Mayor Mike Haggar, who tells them he was in his office in City Hall and woke up in a tube in the building. If you watch the trailer below, you’ll see the fight with the three of them as well as Nemesis, then later Gamora and Thanos.
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite will feature a variety of exciting and accessible single player modes and rich multi-player content for new players and longtime fans alike. In addition to single player Arcade, Training and Mission modes, a visually-stunning and immersive cinematic Story Mode will put players at the center of both universes as they battle for supremacy against powerful forces and a new villain.
In addition to all the crossovers in the game, it was announced today that fans will be able to pick up a 20-page prequel comic at GameStop, which will set the stage for the game. We’ll also see a number of variant covers over the summer and into September before the game is released. We saw small pictures of nine of them, though the details were hard to see.
In the final moments of the panel, they were asked about whether or not they’d fix Chun-Li’s face. (Fans weren’t happy with what they saw earlier.) Producer Mike Evans said, “Oh snap. Well played, sir. I will say we are not only making improvements to Chun-Li’s’ face, but you’ll see those improvements on day one when you see the game.”
What do you guys think of the news about Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite? We want to hear from you! Leave us your comments below or tweet us @ComingSoonnet, and stay tuned for more news from San Diego Comic-Con 2017! Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite will debut on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on September 19.
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite