New Incredibles 2 Details Revealed at D23, Plus Edna Mode Retrospective

Following the news earlier that the highly-anticipated Incredibles 2 will pick up minutes after the first film concludes, Pixar took the stage at the D23 Expo to offer even more details about the film.

First up was the confirmation that Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Sarah Vowell, and Samuel L. Jackson will reprise their voices in the film and joining them will be Huck Milner as Dash. Writer/director Brad Bird revealed details of the upcoming caper, which puts the family into an expanded universe that includes new allies, a brand-new villain, and will put Holly Hunter’s Elastigirl at center stage.

“‘Incredibles 2’ is really a family film, it’s just that the family happens to have super powers,” said Bird. “They may have super speed or super strength, but they experience the same problems as any family.”

Bird also revealed an idea that he wanted to put in the original film that he couldn’t fit will be making it into the sequel and showed an animatic of the sequence. Our own Silas Lesnick recapped the scene as follows:

“Bob is watching Jack-Jack, but falls asleep on the couch. On the TV, there’s an old black and white movie with cops chasing robbers. Jack-Jack sees a masked bandit on TV and then looks outside to see a raccoon digging through the trash. Thinking that the raccoon looks like the burglar, he confronts it. At first, the raccoon tries to scare the baby off, but Jack-Jack’s powers activate and he chases the critter through the yard Jack-Jack appears to have way more powers than in the short, too! Bob wakes up and finds his son fighting the raccoon and is super excited to learn that his son has powers.”

You can check out the new art for Incredibles 2 and an Edna Mode “Retrospective” in the player below!

Released in 2004, the original The Incredibles brought in over $630 million at the global box office. Incredibles 2 will arrive in theaters on June 15, 2018.
