Producer Andrew Kreisberg teases an even bigger DC crossover event next season
Big things are in store for The CW‘s small screen DC Comics universe. EW caught up with DC series executive producer Andrew Kreisberg, who teased a major DC crossover that is already being planned for next season! While the recent “Invasion” crossover delivered an unprecedented DC crossover between Arrow, The Flash, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl, the Supergirl episode ended up only featuring a connection in the final moments.
RELATED: Darren Criss Cast as Music Meister for Supergirl/Flash Musical Crossover
“Because we weren’t aware that we were going to switch ‘Supergirl’ from CBS to CW and it was really going to be part of it — that was the one show that didn’t have built-in shut-down days, so all the other ones did,” Kreisberg tells the outlet. “Melissa [Benoist] ended up being heavily in Flash and then in Arrow, so Supergirl was the one we needed to shut down the most and it was the one that we didn’t have any opportunity to. Now that we’ve gotten the early pickup and we’ve started designing the seasons, we’re building in those dark days, and actually more dark days on Supergirl than the other shows, to make it a little easier… Next year, we’re hoping to do a true four-way crossover.”
The Flash and Supergirl are already set to deliver a much anticipated musical crossover episode next month that will feature Darren Criss as the Music Meister. As for what will eventually bring all four shows together again, only time will tell. Check back for updates as they become available!
Arrow stars Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, David Ramsey as John Diggle, Willa Holland as Thea Queen, Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak and Paul Blackthorne as Detective Lance.
The Flash stars Grant Gustin as Barry Allen/The Flash, Candice Patton as Iris West, Danielle Panabaker as Caitlin Snow, Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramo, Tom Cavanagh as Dr. Harrison Wells, Jesse L. Martin as Detective Joe West and Keiynan Lonsdale as Wally West.
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow stars Arthur Darvill as Rip Hunter, Brandon Routh as Ray Palmer/The ATOM, Caity Lotz as Sara Lance/White Canary, Victor Garber and Franz Drameh as Professor Martin Stein & Jefferson “Jax” Jackson/Firestorm, and Dominic Purcell as Mick Rory/Heat Wave.
Supergirl stars Melissa Benoist in the title role, David Harewood as J’onn J’onzz, Mehcad Brooks as James Olsen, as Mon-El Chyler Leigh as Alexandra “Alex” Danvers, Jeremy Jordan as Winslow “Winn” Schott, Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor and Chris Wood as Mon-El.
What would you like to see happen in an expanded DC crossover? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
CW Invasion! Crossover Supergirl/flash/arrow/legends
CW Crossover
DC SuperheroesL to R: Melissa Benoist (Supergirl), Stephen Amell (Green Arrow) and Grant Gustin (The Flash) Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - October, 27, 2016Photograph by Art StreiberGustin's Costumer: Elizabeth «Betty' Dubney; Hair: Sarah Koppes; Makeup: Tina Teoli; Benoist's Costumer: Nicole Bobick; Hair: Lisa Leonard; Makeup: Danielle Fowler; Amell's Costumer: Mary Hyde Kerr; Hair: Paul J. Edwards; Makeup: Tanya Howard; Producer: Adele Thomas Productions
CW Crossover
DC SuperheroesL to R: Melissa Benoist (Supergirl), Stephen Amell (Green Arrow) and Grant Gustin (The Flash) Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - October, 27, 2016Photograph by Art Streiber
CW Crossover
DC SuperheroesL to R: Melissa Benoist (Supergirl), Stephen Amell (Green Arrow) and Grant Gustin (The Flash) Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - October, 27, 2016Photograph by Art StreiberGustinês Costumer: Elizabeth ¥Bettyê Dubney; Hair: Sarah Koppes; Makeup: Tina Teoli; Amellês Costumer: Mary Hyde Kerr; Hair: Paul J. Edwards; Makeup: Tanya Howard; Benoistês Costumer: Nicole Bobick; Hair: Lisa Leonard; Makeup: Danielle Fowler; Producer: Adele Thomas Productions
CW Crossover
DC Superheroes L to R: Melissa Benoist (Supergirl), Stephen Amell (Green Arrow) and Grant Gustin (The Flash) Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - October, 27, 2016 Photograph by Art Streiber Gustinês Costumer: Elizabeth ´Bettyê Dubney; Hair: Sarah Koppes; Makeup: Tina Teoli; Benoistês Costumer: Nicole Bobick; Hair: Lisa Leonard; Makeup: Danielle Fowler; Amellês Costumer: Mary Hyde Kerr; Hair: Paul J. Edwards; Makeup: Tanya Howard; Producer: Adele Thomas Productions
CW Crossover
DC SuperheroesL to R: Melissa Benoist (Supergirl), Stephen Amell (Green Arrow) and Grant Gustin (The Flash) Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - October, 27, 2016Photograph by Art StreiberGustin's Costumer: Elizabeth 'Betty' Dubney; Hair: Sarah Koppes; Makeup: Tina Teoli; Amell's Costumer: Mary Hyde Kerr; Hair: Paul J. Edwards; Makeup: Tanya Howard; Benoist's Costumer: Nicole Bobick; Hair: Lisa Leonard; Makeup: Danielle Fowler; Producer: Adele Thomas Productions
ArrowSeason 5, Episode 8 - "Invasion" - Nov. 30, 2016(L-R): Katie Cassidy as Laurel Lance and Caity Lotz as Sara Lance/White Canary
DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 2, Episode 7 - "Invasion" (L-R): Nick Zano as Nate Heywood/Steel, Maisie Richardson- Sellers as Amaya Jiwe/Vixen, Melissa Benoist as Kara/Supergirl, Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, Dominic Purcell as Mick Rory/Heat Wave, Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak, Brandon Routh as Ray Palmer/Atom, David Ramsey as John Diggle and Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon
The Flash
The Flash Season 3, Episode 8 - "Invasion" (L-R) Grant Gustin as The Flash, Stephen Amell as Green Arrow and David Ramsey as John Diggle
SupergirlSeason 2, Epsiode 7 "Invasion!" - Nov. 21, 2016(L-R): Melissa Benoist as Kara/Supergirl, Grant Gustin as Barry Allen and Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon
Arrow episode 100
Arrow episode 100
Arrow episode 100
Arrow episode 100