Doctor Who Streaming: Series to Debut on Amazon Prime March 27!

Doctor Who streaming: Series to debut on Amazon Prime March 27

When Doctor Who left the hallowed halls of Netfix, some fans panicked, unsure about where they would get their fix from the series with it gone. Today, Amazon and BBC have announced a multi-year content licensing agreement to make Prime Video the exclusive U.S. subscription streaming home for the award-winning modern version of the science-fiction series.

U.S. Prime members can enjoy season one through eight of BBC’s award-winning science-fiction television series, along with all holiday special episodes, starting Sunday, March 27 at no additional charge to their membership, with season nine as well as the Christmas Special and The Husbands of River Song available this fall.

Prime members can enjoy the series via the Amazon Video app for TVs, connected devices including Amazon Fire TV and mobile devices, or online. The series will also be available to download on Fire devices, iPads, iPhones and Android phones and tablets for offline viewing.

Doctor Who, which began broadcasting on BBC America in 2005, follows the Doctor, an alien from a race called the Time Lords whose home planet is Gallifrey is created by Sydney Newman (The Avengers), and Executive Produced by Russell T. Davies (Torchwood), Julie Gardner (Torchwood), Steven Moffat (Sherlock), Phil Collinson (Coronation Street), Piers Wenger (How I Live Now), Beth Willis (Doctor Who Confidential), Brian Minchin (Wizards vs. Aliens), Caroline Skinner (Our Girl), and Mal Young (Desperate Scousewives).

The Doctor travels through time and space in his ship the TARDIS – short for Time and Relative Dimensions In Space – with numerous companions in an effort to continuously save the world. Christopher Eccleston (Thor: The Dark World), David Tennant (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire), Matt Smith (Terminator Genisys), and Peter Capaldi (World War Z) have all played the title character in the BBC America classic. After audiences were first introduced to the series fifty-two years ago, Doctor Who still experiences sustained success, both earning vast global viewership and keeping fans and critics buzzing. Season 9 on BBC America was named the “Best-Reviewed TV Sci-FI/Fantasy/Horror 2015” by Rotten Tomatoes’ Golden Tomatoes Awards. BBC America premieres a new Doctor Who Christmas special later this year and premieres Season 10 in 2017.
