“Doctor Who” is back, following Peter Capaldi’s first full episode this past weekend. “Deep Breath” launched the series’ eighth (or 34th, depending on your point of view) season of the hit sci-fi adventure and it’s set to be followed this Saturday, August 30 by “Into the Dalek”. We’ve updated our “Doctor Who” gallery with a dozen shots from the episode and you can also check out the trailer in the player below!
In “Into the Dalek,” a Dalek fleet surrounds a lone rebel ship, and only the Doctor can help them now… With the Doctor facing his greatest enemy, he needs Clara by his side. Confronted with a decision that could change the Daleks forever, he is forced to examine his conscience. Will he find the answer to the question, “am I a good man?”
Written by Phil Ford (“Torchwood”) and Steven Moffat (“Sherlock”), and directed by Ben Wheatley (“Kill List”), “Into the Dalek” also introduces Samuel Anderson (History Boys) as Danny Pink, a teacher at Coal Hill School, where Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman) also teaches.
Doctor Who
Picture shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor
Picture shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor -
Picture shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor and Skovox Blitzer
Picture shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor and Skovox Blitzer -
Picture shows: Samuel Anderson as Danny Pink
Picture shows: Samuel Anderson as Danny Pink -
Picture shows: Samuel Anderson as Danny Pink
Picture shows: Samuel Anderson as Danny Pink -
Picture shows: Skovox Blitzer
Picture shows: Skovox Blitzer -
Picture shows: Ellis George as Courtney Woods
Picture shows: Ellis George as Courtney Woods -
Picture shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor
Picture shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor -
Picture shows: Samuel Anderson as Danny Pink and Jenna Coleman as Clara Oswald
Picture shows: Samuel Anderson as Danny Pink and Jenna Coleman as Clara Oswald -
DW 12 Ep6
Picture shows: Edward Harrison as Adrian
Picture shows: Edward Harrison as Adrian -
Ep6 V3 Final Lr
Ep6 V3 Singles Clara Lr
Ep6 V3 Singles Danny Lr
Ep6 V3 Singles Doctor Lr
Picture shows:
Picture shows: -
Picture shows:
Picture shows: -
Picture shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor and Jenna Coleman as Clara
Picture shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor and Jenna Coleman as Clara -
Picture shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor and Jenna Coleman as Clara
Picture shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor and Jenna Coleman as Clara -
Picture shows: Clara (Jenna Coleman) and The Doctor (Peter Capaldi)
Picture shows: Clara (Jenna Coleman) and The Doctor (Peter Capaldi) -
Picture shows: Clara (Jenna Coleman) and The Doctor (Peter Capaldi)
Picture shows: Clara (Jenna Coleman) and The Doctor (Peter Capaldi) -
Pc Image
Picture shows: Pippa Bennett-Warner as Saibra
Picture shows: Pippa Bennett-Warner as Saibra -
Picture shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor
Picture shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor -
Picture shows: The Teller
Picture shows: The Teller -
Picture shows: Jonathan Bailey as Psi
Picture shows: Jonathan Bailey as Psi -
Picture shows: Keeley Hawes as Ms Delphox
Picture shows: Keeley Hawes as Ms Delphox -
Picture Shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor
Picture Shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor -
Picture Shows: Jenna Coleman as Clara
Picture Shows: Jenna Coleman as Clara -
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Picture shows: Samuel Alexander as Danny
Picture shows: Samuel Alexander as Danny -
Picture shows: Clara (Jenna Coleman) and The Doctor (Peter Capaldi)
Picture shows: Clara (Jenna Coleman) and The Doctor (Peter Capaldi) -
Picture shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor -
Picture shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor -
Picture shows: Samuel Alexander as Orson Pink -
Picture shows: Jenna Coleman as Clara
Picture shows: Jenna Coleman as Clara -
Picture shows: Keeley Hawes as Ms Delphox
Picture shows: Keeley Hawes as Ms Delphox -
Picture shows: Jenna Coleman as Clara
Picture shows: Jenna Coleman as Clara -
Picture shows: Samuel Alexander as Danny
Picture shows: Samuel Alexander as Danny -
Picture shows: Samuel Alexander as Danny
Picture shows: Samuel Alexander as Danny -
Picture shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor
Picture shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor -
Dr Who 12 Ep5 series 8
Picture shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor and Jenna Coleman as Clara -
Picture shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor -
Dr Who 12 Ep5 series 8
Picture shows: Trevor Sellers as Mr Porrima, Peter Capaldi as The Doctor, Jenna Coleman as Clara and Jonathan Bailey as Psi -
Picture shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor -
Dr Who 12 Ep5 series 8
Security Check -
Picture shows: Samuel Alexander as Orson Pink -
DW 12 Ep5
Picture shows: Peter Capaldi as The Doctor -
DW 12 Ep4
Picture shows: Samuel Alexander as Orson Pink -
***STRICTLY EMBARGOED FOR ALL USAGE IN PRINT AND ONLINE UNTIL 00.01 ON 14 March, 2014, GMT*** Picture shows: Keeley Hawes as Ms Delphox
***STRICTLY EMBARGOED FOR ALL USAGE IN PRINT AND ONLINE UNTIL 00.01 ON 14 March, 2014, GMT***Picture shows: Keeley Hawes as Ms Delphox -
Picture shows: PETER CAPALDI as The Doctor and JENNA COLEMAN as Clara. -
Picture shows: PETER CAPALDI as The Twelfth Doctor.
Picture shows: PETER CAPALDI as The Twelfth Doctor. -
Doctor Who Series 8
Picture shows Michelle Gomez as The Gatekeeper of the Nethersphere in Series 8 of Doctor Who -
Picture shows: The Doctor (Peter Capaldi)
Picture shows: The Doctor (Peter Capaldi) -
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Picture shows: Vastra (Neve McIntosh)
Picture shows: Vastra (Neve McIntosh) -
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Picture shows: Samuel Alexander as Orson Pink
Picture shows: Samuel Alexander as Orson Pink -
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