Video: James Gunn Enters Spoiler Territory to Talk Guardians of the Galaxy’s Surprise Cameo

With a worldwide box office gross of more than $160 million in its first weekend alone, it’s safe to say that the world has responded well to James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy. Last week, we brought you video interviews with the cast of the sci-fi ensemble as well as a print interview with Gunn himself. Now we’re back with one more video interview, in which Gunn looks back fondly on an incredible production and then takes us into spoiler territory, discussing a fowl cameo from a certain Master of Quack-Fu.

Howard the Duck, who makes a brief appearance in the film as one of the Collector’s prized items, was created by writer Steve Gerber and artist Val Mayerik. He made his first appearance in 1973’s “Adventure Into Fear” #19 before getting his own eponymous book in 1976. It was around that same time, however, that Howard was noticed by Walt Disney Pictures and accused of bearing too similiar an appearance to Donald Duck. In an infamously weird legal settlement, it was agreed that Howard, from there on out, would always be seen wearing pants to distinguish him from Donald. Since Disney now owns Marvel, does that mean that Howard can finally go pants-free? Gunn has an answer and it might surprise you!
