Comic-Con: The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are Back!

Power Rangers fans, the wait is over! The “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” are returning in a brand new graphic novel series.

MTV Geek has the first look at the new series from Papercutz, who already publish several Power Rangers graphic novels. Power Rangers: Super Samurai writer, Stefan Petrucha, and artist, PH Marcondes, have been tapped to bring the series to life which will function as “Lost Episodes” of the original series.

“With the first issue we’re going back to the start of the series,” says series editor Michael Petranek. “Before Tommy (The Green Ranger) has been introduced, and before Lord Zed has arrived. There’s going to be an all-new villain, and we’ll definitely see Rita Repulsa. Right now Stefan has floated some incredible ideas for the second volume. Will all of the volumes take place within the events of the original TV series? Maybe. Maybe not…”

Volume 1 of the series will be released in May of 2014. Will you be picking it up?

“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” first debuted in 1993 and ran for 145 episodes and one feature film.
