“Yes, this is where the entire Kick-Ass saga wraps up,” Millar said. “‘Kick-Ass 3’ is the last of the books and brings the story to a close. Johnny and I had been talking about doing a Hit-Girl origin book, set back when she and Big Daddy were in their early days, but to be honest I found I could cover what I wanted to cover in flashbbacks here and just do what we did in the earlier volumes with fast-paced cuts to their training and so on. So the five volumes in total we’d been considering is now definitely four and I’m on issue five already. I wasn’t sure how I felt going into the last volume because, like ‘Ultimates 2,’ it’s essentially saying goodbye to old friends forever. But I really feel super-charged. I can’t watch to switch on the computer in the morning. I’ve just filled this with everything I wanted to say about real-world superheroes and concluding Dave’s story just feels very exciting. The beautiful thing about creator-owned is that you can do anything you want. We’re never going to see these characters again (in book form), so I’ve got a license to go as mental as I like.”
“When I started ‘Kick-Ass’ I knew what the final page of ‘Kick-Ass 3’ was going to be. It’s a very logical conclusion. Not everybody gets out of this alive, as I’m sure you might expect. If someone puts on a wetsuit, a pair of gloves, some Timberland boots and picks up a pair of sticks, they’re not automatically still going to be doing this when they’re 40. If you’re Batman, you’ve been trained by the masters, and you’ve got a billion-dollar technical budget and an SAS trained butler backing you up. If you’re Superman, your dense molecular structure means that bullets will literally bounce of your chest. If you’re Dave Lizewski — you’re basically screwed when things get too much. You just have to turn around the wrong corner one night, and you’re dead. So any one of these characters can die here, and there are deaths, but I’m saying nothing beyond that. It’ll tie everything up, and Kick-Ass 3 will be the big goodbye in print form. This will close the door forever on Dave, Mindy, Chris, Big Daddy, The Colonel and that lovable masked dog that’s been trained to bite testicles.”
The series will run bi-monthly starting in May for six issues. Millar mentions that the six issues will form a connected cover of the ‘Justice Forever” characters all done by “the biggest artists.” He also confirmed in the interview that the publication of Kick-Ass 3 doesn’t guarantee a film adaptation.
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