New Marvel Heroes Costume Pack Available for LittleBigPlanet 2

Sony officially announced today that the Marvel Heroes Costume Pack 6 is now available for LittleBigPlanet 2 and LittleBigPlanet PS Vita. The pack will cost you $5.99, but it includes costumes of some of your favorite Marvel Characters like Dr. Doom, Sabretooth, Deadpool, Hawkeye, and Black Cat. This is the last costume pack that will be made for the popular game.

These five bring the total number of Marvel characters available in LittleBigPlanet to 30. They include: Iron Man, The Thing, Mystique, Daredevil, Doc Ock, Thor, Spider-Man, Elektra, Ghost Rider, The Human Torch, Captain America, Invisible Woman, Rogue, Venom, Wolverine, The Punisher, Magneto, The Hulk, Storm, Green Goblin, Black Bolt, Black Widow, Iron Fist, Nova, and Star-Lord.

Will you be picking up the character pack?
