Aaron Johnson Talks Kick-Ass 2 Adaptation

“I’m back in the wet suit but there are quite a few alterations on others’ (costumes) but you’ll see that there’s not such a transition in him at first but there is a journey that he goes on,” said Johnson.

When asked about how far would Mintz-Plasse’s Red Mist go in the film as compared to the comic, he offered an answer some may find comforting, “It’s pretty surprising the journey he goes on and it’s fantastic, a really strong role for him. In the comic books they tackle quite a few disturbing things that I don’t think we’re going to put in, for the better, but I think it’s got more of a narrative in the script.”

Johnson is joined by Chloe Moretz, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Jim Carrey, John Leguizamo, Donald Faison, Robert Emms, Yancy Butler and Morris Chestnut star in the adaptation of the Mark Millar and John Romita, Jr. comic.
The sequel is being directed by Never Back Down helmer Jeff Wadlow from a script by Matthew Vaughn and hits theaters June 28, 2013.
