Comics: DC’s First Big Crossover Being Planned

When asked about the September zero issues and how they plan on keeping up the momentum after that, he offered this:

We have a couple of plans.  I’d love to be able to celebrate the anniversary of “The New 52” with something that feels so special and something that unifies the line thematically (maybe not story-wise).  We’re leading to probably our first crossover event in the latter half of next year, but you’re going to see a better continuity developing through the line.  Hopefully through the zeroes, we’ll bring some clarity to our characters.  There might be some questions on how they came to be five years in “The New 52,” so to speak.  What I’m hoping is everyone buys in to what we’re trying to do and it re-introduces people to some of the books they might have sampled, may have gotten away from, and they come back to see what’s happening with the zeroes.  Because it’s not just about giving a snapshot or a snippet of what they are in the past, but also setting up stories for the future.

We’re going to assume he means crossovers between books from the different “families” because anyone remember “Night of the Owls” and the upcoming “Rise of the Third Army”?
