10:00-11:00 Comic-Con How-To: Anatomy of a Fight Scene, Part One— Stories are about conflict, and there is no purer form of conflict than a good ol’ fisticuffs-style brawl-or sword fight, laser battle, western shootout, or even two chicks pulling each other’s hair. How do you put that much action down on paper and make it not only believable, but enjoyable and exciting to read? Award-winning author Maxwell Alexander Drake a brings you deep inside the violence, breaking it down piece by piece and giving you some tricks you can use to create more realistic and exciting fights. Room 2
10:00-11:00 DC: Talent Search Orientation Session 3— DCE’s VP for art direction and design Mark Chiarello presents an informative orientation session to explain how DCE’s Talent Search works and discuss the different needs of the DC Comics, Vertigo, and MAD magazine brands. If you want to learn what DCE looks for in artists and how to improve your chances of becoming a working professional, this is the program for you! To have your work reviewed, attendance at this orientation session is mandatory. (Please note: Not all attendees are guaranteed a one-on-one review.) Room 4
10:00-11:00 After Earth— Enter the world of After Earth with an in-depth panel that gives you a behind-the-scenes look at the universe of the upcoming film and comic book. With the film now in post-production and set to hit theaters next June, screenwriter Gary Whitta (Book of Eli) and director of photography Peter Suschitzky (The Empire Strikes Back) will discuss the making of the film. They will be joined by comic book artist Beni Lobel (Spanish horror comic anthology Cthulu; G.I. Joe comic books; Torchwood: Web of Lies motion comic), and writers Robert Greenberger (Iron Man, Batman, and Hellboy novels) and Michael Friedman (Star Trek and X-Men novels) — the creators of the comic book After Earth: Innocence, which will introduce Kitai and Cypher Raige (played by Jaden and Will Smith in the After Earth film). Also joining the panel is Eisner Award winner Peter David (Star Trek novels and comic books; The Incredible Hulk), who is writing the After Earth prequel novel and also created the After Earth bible with Greenberger and Friedman.
In After Earth, one thousand years after cataclysmic events forced humanity’s escape from Earth, Nova Prime has become mankind’s new home. Legendary General Cypher Raige (played by Will Smith) returns from an extended tour of duty to his estranged family, ready to be a father to his 13-year-old son, Kitai (played by Jaden Smith). When an asteroid storm damages Cypher and Kitai’s craft, they crash-land on a now unfamiliar and dangerous Earth. As his father lies dying in the cockpit, Kitai must trek across the hostile terrain to recover their rescue beacon. His whole life, Kitai has wanted nothing more than to be a soldier like his father. Today, he gets his chance.
Room 6A
10:00-11:00 DC: The New Wave— With DC Comics-The New 52, Before Watchmen, and The New 52, Wave 2, DC Entertainment is running on all cylinders! But you haven’t seen anything yet-find out about the next exciting event from DC Comics with DC Entertainment co-publisher Dan DiDio (Phantom Stranger) and creators Brent Anderson (Phantom Stranger), Tony Bedard (Sword of Sorcery), Scott Snyder (Talon), and James Tynion IV (Talon). Room 6DE
10:00-11:00 Activision Panel Featuring Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Video Game Talent— Legendary Transformers voice talent and game experts at developer High Moon Studios come together in one epic panel to discuss their roles in the upcoming Activision video game Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. Panelists include Peter Cullen (voice of Optimus Prime), Gregg Berger (voice of Grimlock), Nolan North (voice of Cliffjumper), and Matt Tieger (High Moon Studios game director). They’ll give everyone an inside look into bringing your favorite characters to life in the making of the video game, as well as answer the questions you’ve been dying to ask. Room 7AB
10:00-11:00 Planet of the Apes in Comics: Past, Present, and Future— Planet of the Apes has come back to comics in a big way thanks to BOOM! Studios! Tom Mason (former editor of Malibu’s Planet of the Apes) and current Planet of the Apes editor Dafna Pleban talk with writers Daryl Gregory, Gabriel Hardman, and Corinna Bechko about their critically acclaimed series. Learn what’s next for Planet of the Apes, as well as secrets behind the past of this comic franchise. Room 9
10:00-10:45 Warehouse 13— America’s top-secret, artifact-finding agents have landed at Comic-Con. Stars Eddie McClintock (Pete Lattimer), Joanne Kelly (Myka Bering), Saul Rubinek (Artie Nielsen), and Allison Scagliotti (Claudia Donovan), along with executive producer Jack Kenny, present a look inside the new season of Syfy’s blockbuster series. Moderated by Damian Holbrook (TV Guide). Ballroom 20
10:00-11:00 That 70s Panel— A look at comics in the seventies. Some now call it the Bronze Age, but by any name it was an exciting time to be reading comics. Moderator Mark Evanier (Scooby Doo) leads a discussion including Marv Wolfman (Tomb of Dracula), Steve Skeates (Aquaman), Steve Englehart (Batman), Herb Trimpe (Incredible Hulk), Elliot S! Maggin (Superman), Trevor Von Eeden (Black Lightning), and Paul Levitz (Legion of Super-Heroes). Room 23ABC
10:00-11:00 Film and TV Production Designers of the Art Directors Guild— In collaboration with a highly skilled art department, the production designer lays out the design plan that will guide a small army of illustrators, set designers, decorators, carpenters, sculptors, painters, and artisans of every sort in creating small worlds to warm the heart and entire civilizations to fire the imagination. Designers include Suzuki Ingerslev (True Blood), Bill Creber (original Planet of the Apes), Rick Heinrichs (Dark Shadows), Thomas Walsh (Vampires), Dominic Watkins (Snow White and the Huntsman), and moderator John Muto (Terminator 2:3D). Room 25ABC
10:00-11:00 Attack of the Show— G4’s Attack of the Show is your ambassador to the information age-from the technology you want, what you watch, listen to, and play to what the world is talking about right now. Whether it comes from 140 characters, from a 30-second video, or straight from the mouths of today’s trendsetters, visionaries, and pop-culture icons, panelists will tell you what is happening, why you should care, and what will happen next. Candace Bailey, Sara Underwood, Matt Mira, Blair Butler, Attack of the Show executive producers Vinny Rutherford and Joshua Brentano, along with special guests, bring you the closest thing to being on a LIVE Attack of the Show, an interactive Comic-Con panel! You’ll also get a chance to grill the hosts and producers and find out the dirty secrets and television tricks behind Attack of the Show. With over 1,000 shows to choose from, there’s got be something you wanna know! Indigo Ballroom, Hilton San Diego Bayfront
10:00-11:00 Comic-Con Film School 103: Working with Actors and a Crew— Day 3 of this course on microbudget moviemaking deals with how to direct actors, organize a crew, and keep them all happy without anybody making any money. Panelists include Valerie Perez (producer/star, Paula Peril-Midnight Whistle), Nick Murphy (writer/director, Pizza and Bullets), Jack Conway (writer/producer, Fear News), Vera Vanguard (producer/star, GothGirl), and Sean Rourke (writer of Ballistica) and actors Susan Smythe, Brian Stevenson, Kat Steel, and Brad Upton. Marriott Hall 2, Marriott Marquis & Marina
10:30-11:30 Hot Town: Faeries in the City: Urban Fantasy— Imagine having to battle paranormal beings while managing work and family and a love life. Caught in the midst of love triangles, the supernatural, vampires, Celtic gods, monsters in NYC, slayers in San Diego, and more…these authors know that our world is not always what it seems and they like it that way. Moderator Benjamin Tate (Leaves of Flame) discusses the convergence of the modern and the paranormal with Kevin Hearne (The Iron Druid Chronicles), Kat Richardson (Seawitch), Jennifer Bosworth (Struck), Anton Strout (Simon Canderous series), Seanan McGuire (Discount Armaggedon), Jeanne Stein (Anna Strong Vampire Novels), J.F. Lewis (Burned: A Void City Novel), and S. G. Browne (Lucky Bastard). Room 5AB
10:30-11:30 Marvel Television Presents— Marvel’s head of TV, Jeph Loeb, brings the scoop on season 2 of the hit animated series Ultimate Spider-Man, along with a never-before-seen episode…and a glimpse of the other heroes joining Marvel Universe on Disney XD! Plus, get the update on other hot Marvel Animation Studios projects, including Marvel Knights Animation, Marvel anime-and more surprises from Marvel Television. Room 6BCF
10:30-11:30 Creating Animated TV Series— What does it take to create an animated series? Do you have to be a writer? An artist or animator? Both? Neither? What do you need to have to pitch an idea, and what are the studios and networks looking for? Members of the Writers Guild of America’s Animation Writers Caucus who have created and developed series, along with network/studio executives who buy them, talk about pitching and answer your questions. Featuring panelists Alan Burnett (The Batman, Green Lantern: First Flight), David Corbett (executive director, North America, RGH Entertainment), Henry Gilroy (Clone Wars, GI Joe: Renegades), Craig Miller (Pocket Dragon Adventures, Beast Wars), Andrew Robinson (Kaijudo: Rise Of The Duel Masters, Young Justice), and others. Room 8
10:30-12:00 Comic Book Law School 303: Super Lawyer Team-Up— You’ve learned the basics and have a better understanding of contracts and agreements. Now it’s time to learn more about some of the more complex issues facing every creator and business owner. Noted attorney Michael Lovitz, author of the classic The Trademark and Copyright Book comic book, returns to address some of the more advanced (and often confusing) issues facing the creative and business communities, particularly in light of the ever-expanding worlds of new media. And this time, he’s not alone, as attorneys David Branfman, David Lizerbram, and Professor Marc Greenberg join him to share insights into some of the more cutting-edge legal issues faced by, and discuss recent legal decisions of importance to, the creators and businesses. The panel will touch on as many of the following topics as time allows: lawsuits and infringements; fair use or misuse; knockoffs, tarnishment, and dilution; satires, parodies, and fair use; blogs, podcasts, tweets, and cybersquatters; and fan art/fan fiction. Plus, time permitting, discussion about recent legal decisions and pending cases that are likely to affect the field of popular culture and how they might play an important role in your creative and business plans. (Note: The Comic Book Law School seminars are designed to provide relevant information and tips to practicing attorneys, as well as practical tips to creators and other professionals who may wish to attend. [This program is approved for 1.5 credits of California MCLE.]) Room 11AB
10:30-11:30 Dark Horse: Bioware— Dark Horse and Bioware have come together once again to provide fans with exclusive news on Dragon Age, and the ever-expanding Mass Effect universe. Join Dark Horse director of public relations Jeremy Atkins and editor Dave Marshall, along with Dragon Age writers David Gaider and Sylvia Feketekuty, BioWare art director Derek Watts, moderator “Evil Chris” Priestly, and a cast of other celebrity geeks and surprise guests for an exciting look into the Dark Horse/BioWare universe. Attendees can be sure to expect a spirited discussion on the ongoing link between comics and gaming, with exclusive news and more! Room 24ABC
10:30-12:00 Comics Arts Conference Session #9: Comics Theory: Sequential Artistry— Jade Hidle (University of California, San Diego) examines how GB Tran’s Vietnamerica uses the comic book genre to provide counter-memories to historical narratives about the U.S. war in Vietnam. Hidle explains how Tran uses the evolving form of the graphic memoir to provide border-blurring, non-linear spatio-temporal frameworks to construct such counter-memories. Keegan Lannon (Aberystwyth University) argues that the dichotomy of words and images is more elastic than theorists such as McCloud, Kunzle, and Groensteen conceive it. Lannon forwards the concept of the grapheme as a way of conceiving of words and pictures as two variants of visual communication. John E. Ingulsrud (Meisei University) and Kate Allen (Meiji University) employ the sociolinguistic concepts of “footing” and “stance” to analyze the many functions of “caricaturization” (the simplification of character images) in manga. Scott McCloud (Understanding Comics) provides a response to the scholars’ ideas. Room 26AB
11:00-12:00 Comic-Con How-To: Anatomy of a Fight Scene, Part Two— Understanding when and how to use physical conflict in your story is all well and good, but how do you write it? How do authors paint such a vivid, action-packed fight scene that readers can “see” in their mind using only the written word? Award-winning author Maxwell Alexander Drake peels back the mystery and looks at using words to craft action that readers will not simply read, but experience. Room 2
11:00-12:00 Funky Winkerbean’s 40th Anniversary— Comic-Con special guest Tom Batiuk takes you on a humorous and an informative journey through the Funkyverse as he delves into the origin and history of his syndicated comic strip Funky Winkerbean. Joining him is Alex Sinclair, colorist on DC Comics-The New 52’s Justice League, Green Lantern, Earth 2, and Before Watchmen: Comedian and the talented guy who was the primary colorist on Batiuk’s Pulitzer-nominated book Lisa’s Story. Join Tom and Alex for 40 years of Funky. Room 4
11:00-12:00 Archie Comics: The Hottest Publisher in Comics— The era of Archie continues! After another year of dominating the headlines with groundbreaking storylines, innovative storytelling, and the best comics on the market, the Archie gang converges on San Diego to reveal what’s next! The panel includes Archie Comics co-CEO Jon Goldwater, co-CEO Nancy Silberkleit, president Mike Pellerito, editor-in-chief Victor Gorelick, cartoonist Dan Parent (Kevin Keller), writer Michael Uslan (Life With Archie), iVerse Media CEO Michael Murphey, MoonScoop Entertainment’s Mike Young, producers Don Murphy and Susan Montford (Real Steel), writer Alex Segura (Archie Meets KISS), writer Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark), and a handful of major, newsworthy surprises! Want to learn everything that’s in store for America’s favorite redheaded teen and all his friends? This is the place to be! Panel attendees will get a copy of the latest issue of the hit Life With Archie series! Room 9
11:00-11:45 Once Upon a Time— Magic is coming! Moderator William Keck (TV Guide Magazine senior editor and columnist) takes you to Storybrooke, where a curse placed on its fairytale inhabitants by the Evil Queen has been broken and reality and myth have merged. It’s a place where magic is about to be introduced, but with it comes its own set of consequences. Co-creators and executive producers Edward Kitsis (Lost, Tron: Legacy) and Adam Horowitz (Lost, Tron: Legacy), along with Ginnifer Goodwin (Big Love), Jennifer Morrison (House), Lana Parrilla (24), Josh Dallas (Thor), Emilie de Ravin (Lost), and Meghan Ory (Vampire High) engage in a Q&A about their hit TV series. Ballroom 20
11:00-12:00 comiXology Open Discussion: Everything Digital— With over 75 million comics and graphic novels downloaded since its debut, comiXology has revolutionized how people read and buy comic books. Recently hailed by the New York Times as the iTunes of comics, here is your opportunity to discover what is next! Join comiXology cofounders David Steinberger and John D. Roberts for an open discussion on…everything digital. All topics are game! Room 23ABC
11:00-12:00 Shifty Look— Namco Bandai Games has excavated the darkest corners of its vaults, and now the decrepit husks of games you’ve always loved (or never knew you did) have been brought back to life! Find out what’s next for ShiftyLook from Rob Pereyda (editor-in-chief), then join a spotlight on hit webcomic Bravoman from writer Matt Moylan (Lilformers) and artist Dax “D-Gee” Gordine (Mega Man Tribute). Next, webcomic superstars and Dig Dug 30th Anniversary contributors Scott Kurtz (PvP Online) and Kris Straub (chainsawsuit) make a big announcement fans with any sense of anything won’t want to miss! Finally, legendary voice actor Rob Paulsen (Animaniacs) makes a special appearance with an amazing ShiftyLook announcement that will blow everyone away. This will be the most fun you’ve ever had with ‘80s video games!
Room 25ABC
11:00-12:00 Avatar the Last Airbender: Beginning and Beyond— For over 5 years, the organizers of this fan panel have been bringing together both fans and professionals. Moderated by Avatar_Mom, this year’s panel will include Bobby Rubio (Avatar the Last Airbender, Pixar, Alcatraz High), freelance concept artist DJ Welch (Dark Kenjie), Kevin Coppa (Puppet Benders), and actor/voice actor Dante Basco (Avatar the Last Airbender), and a few more surprise guests. If that isn’t enough, there will be a cosplay contest to showcase the fandom’s talented “fabric benders.” Room 28E
11:00-12:00 Geek & Sundry— Felicia Day (The Guild, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog), Wil Wheaton (Big Bang Theory, Eureka), director Daniel Strange (Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis), and the cast of The Guild — Vince Caso, Jeff Lewis, Amy Okuda, Sandeep Parkih, and Robin Thorsen — make some big announcements and offer an exclusive sneak peek at what’s to come. Moderated by Kim Evey (producer, Geek & Sundry). Indigo Ballroom, Hilton San Diego Bayfront
11:15-12:15 Cartoon Network: Adventure Time— Not just any ol’ panel, this is Adventure Time! Join series creator Pendleton Ward (Lumpy Space Princess), Jeremy Shada (Finn), Tom Kenny (Ice King), and others to experience the all-out good time that is Cartoon Network’s Adventure Time! There will be singing, live readings, lots of exclusive clips, and other mathematical surprises! Room 6A
11:15-12:30 DC Comics-All Access: OGNs— It’s been a big year for DC Comics’ award-winning, original graphic novels, and it’s only going to get bigger! Get unfiltered access to behind the scenes of your favorite and most talked about original graphic novels Publisher! Joining the all access party will be some of the industry’s top talents, including Anthony Bourdain (Get Jiro!), Shane Davis (Superman: Earth One), Langdon Foss (Get Jiro!), Geoff Johns (Batman: Earth One), and J. Michael Straczynski (Superman: Earth One), so don’t miss out! Room 6DE
11:30-12:30 Save the Date: Your New Favorite Film— This may be the first comic book film that isn’t based on an actual comic book; instead, Save the Date uses the style and sensibility of indie comics by renowned graphic novelist Jeffrey Brown as a jumping off point to tell a contemporary story of the trials, pain, and happiness of modern love. Explore the challenges and advantages of working in film versus comics with cartoonist/screenplay co-writer Jeffrey Brown (Clumsy, Darth Vader and Son), director Michael Mohan (One Too Many Mornings), and producers Jordan Horowitz (The Kids Are All Right) and Michael Roiff (Waitress), and discover how the cast has been influenced and inspired by comics and geek culture, with Lizzy Caplan (Party Down), Alison Brie (Community, Mad Men), Martin Starr (Freaks & Geeks, Party Down), Geoffrey Arend (500 Days of Summer), and Mark Webber (Scott Pilgrim). Join them for a lively session moderated by Noel Murray (The A.V. Club). Room 5AB
11:30-12:30 Top Cow: We Create…Innovation!— Top Cow’s Comic-Con panels are known for being wall-to-wall jam-packed sessions with exciting announcements, but this year’s panel promises to put all other years to shame. Join Top Cow founder Marc Silvestri and Top Cow president Matt Hawkins announce the biggest, most groundbreaking initiative in their 20-year history and the return of a fan favorite series. Plus special guest Mark Waid (Daredevil, Irredeemable) joins Top Cow to announce an exciting new project. Get the scoop on a big Top Cow film announcement, and if you’re an aspiring creator, you won’t want to miss this panel! Be the first to hear the announcements that will drive Top Cow through the rest of 2012 and beyond, alongside surprise guests, and every attendee will get an exclusive ashcan that is sure to be a collectible! Room 8
11:30-12:30 IDW’s Digital-First Comics— IDW is at the forefront of digital comics, bringing special new series to digital before they come out in print. Hear more about the making of digital blockbuster Transformers Autocracy, and learn more about new projects featuring Transformers, Star Trek and Memorial. Join an all-star cast featuring Chris Metzen (World of Warcraft, Transformers Autocracy), Flint Dille (Transformers Autocracy), Livio Ramondelli (Transformers), Mike Johnson (Star Trek), Chris Roberson (Memorial), John Barber (Transformers, G.I. Joe), Lorelei Bunjes (IDW Digital), and Jeff Webber (IDW Digital). Room 24ABC
11:30-12:30 Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained— The Weinstein Company presents a sneak peek at the highly anticipated new film from acclaimed director Quentin Tarantino. Fans will get to see exclusive footage from Django Unchained and take part in a special discussion with Tarantino and the cast. You won’t want to miss this! Hall H
11:45-1:00 Quick Draw!— It’s the annual battle-to-the-death with Sharpies at 20 paces. Three of the fastest cartoonists in the world duel with wit and markers, drawing like crazy to create cartoons based on your suggestions and the evil schemes of the Quick Draw! Quizmaster, Mark Evanier! Competing as usual are Sergio Aragonés (MAD magazine, Groo the Wanderer) and Scott Shaw! (The Simpsons), and they’re joined by guest competitor Keith Knight (The K Chronicles), and maybe a few surprises! This is one of the most popular events at Comic-Con, so get there early. Room 6BCF
12:00-1:00 Comic-Con How-To: Supercharge Your deviantART Profile Like the Masters— This superstar lineup of comic, manga, and animators all have something in common besides ridiculous amounts of talent: they are all part of the deviantART community. Over the years they have learned a thing or two about getting the most out of the website, and in this panel they will share their tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your deviantART experience. The panelists are Adam Warren, one of the first manga-influenced artists to go pro back in 1988 (The Dirty Pair, Empowered); Chris Sanders, Lilo & Stich creator (Disney), How to Train Your Dragon (DreamWorks); Dave Elliott, comics industry veteran, writer and editor of over 10,000 comics projects; Jim Zubkavich, CEO, Udon Entertainment; Mark Brooks, Marvel Comics; Yuumei Yan, digital artist, cyber-activist; and panel moderator Angelo Sotira, CEO and co-founder, deviantART.com. Room 2
12:00-1:00 Spotlight on Morrie Turner— Comic-Con special guest Morrie Turner, creator of the Wee Pals comic strip-now in its 47th year of national syndication-will “Confess All” to Keith “K-man” Knight in this probing, riveting exposé of what keeps Morrie crankin’ out his creativity on a daily basis at the fresh, young age of 88.5. Come laugh and learn, and remember to “Keep the Faith!” Room 4
12:00-1:00 Shonen Jump Alpha Panel— The new Weekly Shonen Jump Alpha, North America’s only near-simultaneous digital manga magazine, gives fans the ultimate digital experience of reading the best manga every week, with official releases of chapters from Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, and more! Special panelists from Japan Yoshihisa Heishi (editor-in-chief of Weekly Shonen Jump, founding editor of Yu-Gi-Oh!), Koji Yoshida (editor of Death Note), and Kengo Monji (editor of Bakuman) will share the latest news, expert opinions, and a behind-the scenes look into the manga world. To top it off, they’ll have a heated Q&A showdown with the SJ Alpha editors! Room 7AB
12:00-1:00 Spotlight on Klaus Janson— Penciler, inker, and writer — and Comic-Con special guest — Klaus Janson (Daredevil, Dark Knight Returns, The Avengers) makes a rare convention appearance to discuss past, present, and future projects. Join Klaus and his friends Bill Sienkiewicz (Elektra: Assassin, Stray Toasters) and David Mack (Daredevil, Kabuki) as they offer a preview of their upcoming maxi-series Daredevil: The End of Days. Room 9
12:00-1:00 CBLDF Master Session: Charlie Adlard— With his work on The Walking Dead, Charlie Adlard has proved to be a master of abstract anatomy, suspenseful storytelling, and the imaginative depiction of a familiar but terrifying world. Get a glimpse of his approach to creating the definitive zombie narrative of the 21st century at this CBLDF Master Session. The pieces created will be auctioned off at CBLDF’s Art Auction tonight. Room 11AB
12:00-12:45 Futurama— Futurama cannot be killed! Join the cast and crew of the Emmy-award-winning series for world premiere footage of the all-new season on Comedy Central. Plus: Wear your Futurama-themed costume for the chance to win slightly valuable prizes! Scheduled panelists include creator/executive producer Matt Groening, executive producer David X. Cohen, and stars Billy West (Fry, Zoidberg, Professor Farnsworth, Zapp Brannigan), Katey Sagal (Leela), John DiMaggio (Bender), and Maurice LaMarche (Kif Kroker, Calculon, Morbo). Ballroom 20
12:00-1:00 Locked and Loaded— From hand-to-hand combat and cannons to AK-47s and the death star, the landscape of military conflict has changed…but the instinct to destroy has not. People love to read about the good guys blasting the hell out of paranormal villains, evil aliens, and ruthless government officials. These authors include pulse-pounding combat scenes in their novels and never shy away from applying deadly force when necessary. Strategize with Joseph Nassise (By The Blood of Heroes), Myke Cole (Control Point), Taylor Anderson (Destroyermen Series), Jack Campbell (Lost Fleet Series), Harry Turtledove (The War That Came Early), and S. J. Kincaid (Insignia), under the leadership of moderator Stephen W. Saffel, DEO/senior acquisitions editor, Titan Books. Room 23ABC
12:00-1:00 The Naked Truth About Tarzan and Jane: The First 100 Years of Spectacular Tarzan Imagery, and One of Literature’s Best-Loved Couples as They Enter Their Second Century— Bestselling novelist Robin Maxwell (Jane: The Woman Who Loved Tarzan) and author Scott Tracy Griffin (Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration) gather with illustrator Joe Jusko (The Art of Joe Jusko) to discuss these iconic literary characters. Join them for a presentation and Q&A session hosted by Jim Sullos, president of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Incorporated, the official licensing entity for Tarzan and John Carter of Mars. Room 25ABC
12:00-1:00 Comics Arts Conference Session #10: Focus on Steve Englehart— Steve Englehart (CAC and Comic-Con Special Guest) has been the lead writer for both Marvel and DC on several occasions and a founding father of Malibu’s Ultraverse. His redefinition of Batman and the Joker as mature adults influenced how the characters were depicted in both comics and film for the last three decades. Travis Langley (Batman and Psychology: A Dark and Stormy Knight) moderates a discussion of Englehart’s stellar career writing the adventures of Captain America, Silver Surfer, Doctor Strange, Coyote, Night Man, the Justice League, and dozens of other characters. Room 26AB
12:00-1:00 Twilight Fan Fiction Group— This year writers Sweetlolapops (We Were Here, Summer of Salt), Conversed (Twinned), Tkegl (Cutless), MeraNaamJoker (Miror Quaenam Sis Tam Bella), Shoefreak37 (A Light Exists in Spring), WriteOnTime (Breaking News), and moderator Kimpy0464 (The Nightingale Journals) are on hand for laughs and fun at the Twilight Fan Fiction Group. They’ll answer questions about the challenges and joys of writing derivative fiction in the Twilight fandom and how to keep it fun. Room 28E
12:00-1:00 Nerdist Channel— Chris Hardwick (the host of BBC America’s The Nerdist and AMC’s Talking Dead) and some very-relevant-to-your-interests talent from the Nerdist Channel on YouTube will engage in lively conversation about the current channel lineup and upcoming shows and specials, and also reveal some exclusive footage and surprise announcements about the future of Nerdist Industries. Indigo Ballroom, Hilton San Diego Bayfront
12:30-1:30 D+Q: Canada and Comics— Creators Kate Beaton, Jeff Lemire, Doug Savage, Eisner Spirit of Retailers Award judge Calum Johnston (of Strange Adventures), Jessica Campbell of Drawn & Quarterly, and moderator Chris Butcher of TCAF and The Beguiling gather to talk about how, over the past 10 years, the Canadian comics scene has changed wildly and no longer plays second fiddle to its southern neighbor. Canada now boasts an equally vibrant coast-to-coast scene with major artists, major companies, major retailers, and major festivals. Key players discuss how this change came about. Room 5AB
12:30-1:30 Phineas and Ferb— Witty and imaginative stepbrothers Phineas and Ferb and their secret agent pet platypus Agent P are at it again! Creators Dan Povenmire and Jeff “Swampy” Marsh, along with voice talent Vincent Martella (Everybody Hates Chris), Alyson Stoner (Camp Rock), and Dee Bradley Baker (American Dad), fill you in on the latest scoop on Disney Channel’s Emmy Award-winning, music-filled, animated comedy series for kids, tweens, and families. See exclusive content, including a sneak peek at this summer’s epic two-part cliffhanger episode “Where’s Perry?” Room 6A
12:30-1:30 Celebrating 50 Years of Mars Attacks— They’re back! Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Mars Attacks. To help to commemorate this milestone, Topps licensees Abrams ComicArts, IDW Publishing, Mezco Toyz, and more gather in this panel. Find out what’s new with Mars Attacks, including the first-ever book compilation of the infamous science fiction trading card series, new comics, and toys! Panelists include Charles Kochman, editorial director of Abrams ComicArts; Greg Goldstein, president and COO of IDW Publishing; and Adam Levine, licensing manager of The Topps Company. Room 8
12:30-1:30 Capcom’s Lost Planet 3 and DmC Devil May Cry: Westward Bound— Capcom takes the Lost Planet and Devil May Cry franchises in exciting new directions by partnering with Western Development Partners. Lost Planet 3 releases early next year with a gripping new storyline that provides fans with untold truths from previous games. Set in the frozen tundra of E.D.N. III, the game takes the franchise back to its roots, making gamers rethink everything they thought they knew about it. Capcom producer Andrew Szymanski, a member of the development team from Spark Unlimited and “Go Beyond Survival,” DmC Devil May Cry producer Motohide Eshiro, North American producer Alex Jones, and series director Hideaki Itsuno bring you the ultimate stylish action game. Detailing Dante’s early years and set against a contemporary backdrop, DmC Devil May Cry retains the stylish action, fluid combat, and self-assured protagonist that have defined the iconic series. Witness Dante chain together combo after combo with panache as he dispatches the demonic spawn back to hell. See what the game has in store for you January 15, 2013. It’s time to “Face Your Demons.” Room 24ABC
12:45-1:45 DC Comics: Before Watchmen— It’s not the end of the world. It’s the beginning! You don’t want to miss this panel about the most talked about comic book series of 2012! DC Entertainment co-publisher Dan DiDio, VP/art direction and design Mark Chiarello, senior editor Will Dennis, and creators Amanda Conner (Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre), Darwyn Cooke (Before Watchmen: Minute Men), Adam Hughes (Before Watchmen: Dr Manhattan), J. Michael Straczynski (Before Watchmen: Nite Owl), Len Wein (Before Watchmen: Ozymandias, Curse of the Crimson Corsair), and others talk about this game-changing event! Hurm! Room 6DE
12:45-1:30 The Simpsons— Now entering its 24th season, The Simpsons is a living animation legend. Join moderator David Mirkin, creator Matt Groening, executive producer Al Jean, supervising producer Mike Anderson, and the voice of Lisa Simpson, Yeardley Smith, for a lengthy look at the upcoming Treehouse of Horror, a sneak (2D) peek at Simpsons theatrical short The Longest Daycare, and much, much more (okay, 45 minutes’ worth). Ballroom 20
12:45-1:45 Open Road Films: End of Watch and Silent Hill: Revelations 3D— Global exclusive! Catch an early look at the highly anticipated action film End of Watch, with special guests Academy Award nominee Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Peña who play police officers patrolling the meanest streets of south central Los Angeles, and writer/director David Ayer (Training Day). Also, based on the groundbreaking video game franchise from Konami, Silent Hill: Revelation 3D is the sequel to the hit film Silent Hill. Experience the world premiere of 3D footage from an unparalleled horror experience with special guests Adelaide Clemens (X-Men Origins: Wolverine), Kit Harington (HBO’s Game of Thrones), director Michael J. Bassett, and producer Samuel Hadida. Hall H
1:00-2:30 Comic-Con How-To: Graphic Novels from Idea to Finish— Artist Brian Haberlin explains how to create a graphic novel, using his soon-to-be-released book Anomaly as a test case. Subjects discussed include idea to script, page format, panel layout, art style, distribution, and much more. Digital pioneer and guru to much of the graphic arts/comics community, Haberlin is also the tutorial creator for international magazines such as 3DWorld, Imagine FX, and Photoshop User, and owner of Digitalarttutorials.com. Room 2
1:00-2:00 Top Shelf Productions— An all-star lineup of award-winning indie cartoonists are on hand as Top Shelf enters its 15th year of publishing. Chris Ross reports on Top Shelf’s groundbreaking digital program, Ed Piskor hacks into his book Wizzywig, Jeff Lemire plumbs the depths of The Underwater Welder, Eddie Campbell spins a golden yarn about The Lovely Horrible Stuff, Nate Powell makes a historic announcement about an unprecedented new project, and James Kochalka introduces exclusive footage from his upcoming animated series SuperF*ckers! Join moderator Leigh Walton for an unmissable hour with Top Shelf talent. Room 4
1:00-2:00 Cartoon Voices I— Audiences flock each year to moderator Mark Evanier’s panels of folks who supply the voices of your favorite animated characters. They demonstrate their craft and tell who they are and how they got into that bizarre line of work, and you’ll hear a voice session happen right before your ears. This year’s Saturday gathering features Matthew Mercer (ThunderCats, Resident Evil 6), Debi Derryberry (Jimmy Neutron, Monster High), April Winchell (Lilo & Stitch, The Legend of Tarzan), Steve Blum (Transformers, The Super Hero Squad Show), Fred Tatasciore (Kung Fu Panda, The Hulk), Jack Angel (Toy Story 3, G.I. Joe), and the legendary Chuck McCann. Room 6BCF
1:00-2:00 A Conversation with Bryan Fuller— Acclaimed television writer/executive producer Bryan Fuller (Heroes), the creative force behind Pushing Daisies, Wonderfalls, and Dead Like Me, for a Q&A with fans as he discusses two of his highly anticipated projects, Hannibal and Mockingbird Lane, both at NBC. In the midseason drama Hannibal, one of the most fascinating literary characters comes to life on television for the first time: psychiatrist-turned-serial-killer Dr. Hannibal Lecter. The recently shot pilot Mockingbird Lane is an imaginative reinvention of the 1960s comedy The Munsters. Room 7AB
1:00-2:00 Spotlight on Stan Goldberg— Cartoonist, colorist, and Comic-Con special guest Stan Goldberg was there at the beginning of the Marvel Age of Comics, designing the color schemes for characters such as Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, and many others. As an artist, he is best known for his over 45 years of work at Archie Comics as one of the Archie artists. Stan talks about his career and what he’s doing next in this spotlight panel. Room 9
1:00-2:00 CBLDF: The Fight To Defend Manga— Meet the man who stood up to Canada Customs to prove manga is not a crime! In 2010, American citizen Ryan Matheson was illegally detained and falsely charged with importation of child pornography for humor and fantasy manga on his laptop computer. Earlier this year, all charges against Ryan were dropped, thanks to his willingness to stand up for his rights, and the CBLDF’s work to aid his defense. Come meet Ryan and learn about how manga is being attacked by the authorities in the United States and Canada, hear his story and find out what you can do to protect your rights! Room 11AB
1:00-2:00 Sid and Marty Krofft: A Look at the Past, Present, and Future— Brothers Sid and Marty Krofft have been producing quality family entertainment for over 40 years. Sid and Marty became a household name in the ’70s with a series of remarkable programs that featured elaborate sets and fanciful characters. This panel will feature the never-before-seen network presentation reel for Land of the Lost while it was still in development. Join Sid and Marty and a special surprise guest for this Q&A session moderated by Chris Gore (G4’s Attack of the Show). Room 23ABC
1:00-2:00 Northstar: Coming Out to Getting Married!— Northstar, the first openly gay superhero in mainstream comics and a member of both the X-Men and Alpha Flight, came out of the closet 20 years ago-and this year he ties the knot! Northstar has led a challenging life, facing villains, personal challenges, family rivalries, disease, death, and accusations of being put back in the closet. Now Northstar starts a major new chapter in his life, with a high-profile wedding. Prism Comics celebrates Northstar and explores how he and the comics community’s attitudes toward LGBTQ characters have changed over the years. Moderator Chance Whitmire (Fanboys of the Universe) delves into the past and the bright future of everyone’s favorite gay mutant with guests David Gabriel (VP of sales, Marvel Comics), Phil Jimenez (New X-Men), Marjorie Liu (Astonishing X-Men), Scott Lobdell (Uncanny X-Men), and Jase Peeples (The Advocate magazine). Room 25ABC
1:00-2:00 Comics Arts Conference Session #11: Pioneers of Comics Scholarship— Randy Duncan (The Power of Comics) leads a discussion with some of the scholars who laid the foundations for the field of comics studies: Paul Gravett (Graphic Novels: Stories to Change Your Life), David Kunzle (History of the Comics Strip), John Lent (Cartooning in Africa; Cartooning in Latin America), and Joseph Witek (Comic Books as History). The Pioneers discus how they began researching comics, the contribution they feel they have made to the field, and how comics studies should continue to develop as a field or discipline. Room 26AB
1:00-2:00 Little Lulu Fan Group— One of the most memorable kids’ comics ever created, Little Lulu has gone on to generate a fan following around the world. Learn more about this classic comics character, and the renewed interest in the other delightful works of the great John Stanley, and join in for the annual scripted reading of a Golden Age Little Lulu story. All are welcome! Room 28E
1:00-2:00 TV Guide Magazine: Fan Favorites— TV Guide magazine returns with another all-star panel. Moderated by editor-in-chief Debra Birnbaum, Fan Favorites brings together stars from TV’s hottest shows for a lively discussion filled with behind-the-scenes scoop. Panelists (subject to change) include Nathan Fillion (Castle), David Giuntoli (Grimm), Joel McHale (Community), Tyler Posey (Teen Wolf), Maggie Q (Nikita), Matt Smith (Doctor Who), and others. Indigo Ballroom, Hilton San Diego Bayfront
1:30-2:30 Spotlight on Gail Carriger— New York Times bestselling author-and Comic-Con special guest-Gail Carriger (The Parasol Protectorate Series) and her literary agent Kristin Nelson (president and senior literary agent at Nelson Literary Agency) discuss breaking into publishing, converting a novel into a manga, writing steampunk, drinking tea, and the importance of octopuses. Followed by Q&A. Silly questions welcome. Room 5AB
1:30-2:30 Minimates Turn 10: Small Toys, Big Plans— Some of the team behind the popular Minimates line are here to unveil new products and answer your questions about the 2-inch, fully articulated mini-figures. From Marvel Comics to Battle Beasts to The Walking Dead, Diamond Select Toys director Chuck Terceira, Art Asylum founder Digger Mesch, and marketing supervisor Zach Oat will share insider info about all their upcoming lines, as well as submit to a Q&A session and debut the next stop-motion animated Pirate Raiders episode. Plus, there’ll be a Minimates prize drawing at the end of the panel. Room 8
1:30-3:00 30th Anniversary of Love and Rockets— For 30 years Los Bros Hernandez have entranced comics readers around the world with their adventures of Maggie, Hopey, Luba, and the entire Love and Rockets cast of characters. Comic-Con special guests Gilbert Hernandez, Jaime Hernandez, and Mario Hernandez join with Fantagraphics Books co-publisher Gary Groth to talk about this award-winning series of comics and its decades-spanning durability. Room 24ABC
1:45-2:45 Marvel Video Games— Learn all about Gazillion’s Marvel Heroes MMO, Ubisoft’s Avengers: Battle for Earth and more future Marvel games-including an announcement from Activision and High Moon Studios that is sure to be a hit! Q&A will follow. Room 6A
1:45-2:30 Family Guy— Seth MacFarlane, Alex Bornstein, Mila Kunis (Black Swan, Book of Eli), Seth Green (Robot Chicken), Mike Henry, and showrunners Mark Hentemann and Steve Callaghan offer a sneak peek at Family Guy’s funniest scenes from the upcoming new season, followed by a freakin’ sweet Q&A with the audience. Ballroom 20
2:00-3:00 Spotlight on Gary Gianni— Comic-Con special guest Gary Gianni discusses his work illustrating one of Ray Bradbury’s last published books, painting the Game of Thrones 2014 calendar, and the future of illustrated storytelling in the digital realm. Room 4
2:00-3:00 Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Onto Season 5— The aftermath of season 4 has left the Star Wars galaxy a very dangerous place: Darth Maul is alive, Asajj Ventress is a bounty hunter, and the Mandalorian Death Watch is deadlier than ever. How will these threads continue in season 5 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars? Find out in this behind-the-scenes panel, which will feature new clips, new insights, and more. Join the discussion with supervising director Dave Filoni and head writer Matt Michnovetz (who wrote season 4’s powerful Umbara arc). Moderated by Star Wars author Pablo Hidalgo. Room 6DE
2:00-3:00 Spotlight on J. Michael Straczynski— Joe has been coming to SDCC for decades (despite popular requests) with news and announcements. If all goes as it should between press-time and this panel, he will be making the most important announcement of his career (no, not his retirement-despite popular requests). If all does not go as it should, he will be giving a talk about migratory bird patterns. So come roll the dice with J. Michael Straczynski! Room 7AB
2:00-3:00 Mad About MAD— Often imitated but never duplicated, MAD is the country’s best-selling humor magazine! Join MAD magazine editor John Ficarra, art director Sam Viviano, artists Sergio Aragonés and Tom Richmond, and Spy vs. Spy artist Peter Kuper for a wise-cracking Q&A that’s bound to be, well, MAD. Room 9
2:00-3:00 “Brush-up” Your Manga Skills with New Prismacolor Markers— “Brush-up” your manga techniques using the new Prismacolor Brush/Fine Tip markers. Receive products, tips, and techniques and put your stroke of creativity on paper. Stop by for samples, door prizes, and a bit of “Manga Mania.” Instructors: Shelley Minnis and Diana Garrett, Prismacolor art specialists. Room 11AB
2:00-3:00 Will Eisner and the Graphic Novel— Moderator Paul Levitz (writer, 75 Years of DC Comics, Legion of Super-Heroes, former Eisner publisher), Klaus Janson (artist/inker, Daredevil, The Dark Knight Return, comics educator, SVA), Denis Kitchen (artist, author, publisher; Eisner’s agent and longtime friend), Charles Kochman (editorial director, Abrams ComicArts), and Diana Schutz (comics educator; executive editor, Dark Horse Comics; Eisner’s editor) explore the pivotal role Will Eisner’s evangelism of the comics artform plays in the evolution of the American graphic novel, followed by a short Q&A period. Room 23ABC
2:00-3:00 Image Comics Experience— Join publisher Eric Stephenson and a panel of surprise guests an exclusive look at what’s coming up for Image in 2013! An absolutely don’t miss event for anyone wanting to be among the first to hear some of the biggest comics announcements of the year! Room 25ABC
2:00-3:30 Comics Arts Conference Session #12: Poster Session— The CAC’s poster session gives attendees the opportunity to interact directly with presenters. Come talk with these scholars about their projects!
Comic-Con Group — Markel Tumlin, Pamela Jackson, Michael Lapins, and Rob Ray (San Diego State University) explore the symbiotic relationship between comics, Comic-Con, and San Diego State University. Lincoln Geraghty (University of Portsmouth) analyses the increasing popularity of international superhero and science fiction franchises in the American media industry, and the importance of the San Diego Comic-Con in the global circulation of popular media texts.
Batworld Group — Benjamin J. Villarreal (New Mexico Highlands University) explains how Lee Bermejo’s Batman: Noel, a retelling of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol with DC universe characters, uses the conventions of the Victorian “Christmas crawler” genre. Eric Bruce (Western Oregon University) uses a biopsychosocial evaluation of Batman/Bruce Wayne’s health to foster a curiosity about one’s own health risk factors. Ashley Pitcock (Henderson State University) asks how parent/child relational issues, the need for achievement, and Kohlberg’s conventional and postconventional moral development concepts can explain why Stephanie Brown’s superhero career evolved from teenage rebellion into a higher purpose. Benjamin Graves (Henderson State University) analyzes Batman’s dependence on parental figure, mentor, and trusted friend Alfred Pennyworth. Mitchell Cullins (Henderson State University) examines psychological findings on real-world heroism, altruism, and sensation-seeking personalities to consider what motivates Barbara Gordon to put on a mask and fight crime alongside Batman instead of putting on a badge and fighting crime with her father. Tiffany Pitcock (Henderson State University) explores how Tim Drake’s issues of abandonment and dethronement have affected his relationship with Bruce Wayne as a father figure.
Teaching Comics Group — Joyce C. Havstad (University of California, San Diego) uses Logicomix as a case study of how puzzling philosophical concepts might be effectively communicated with the help of visual representation in general and comics in particular. Shannon R. Mortimore-Smith (Shippensburg University) draws on classroom experience to show how students can experience a connection to graphic narratives in both unexpected and culturally profound ways. Nicole Rehnberg (California State University, Fullerton) examines how the Phoenix Force in the X-Men universe operates as a metaphor for the role of tutors in a university writing center. Jeff Barbanell (Arizona State University) provides a brisk and entertaining historical survey of the compelling class warfare embedded in the Superman Family of comics and offers a lesson plan for using this content to teach the fundamentals of economic theory. Rich Shivener, John Alberti, and Candice van Loveren Geis (Northern Kentucky University) share pedagogical approaches for using David Mack’s Kabuki: The Alchemy in freshman-level survey courses.
Comic Book Transformations Group — Dan Vena (Queen’s University) explores how transgender and transsexual individuals reconceptualize identity by rereading and trans-ing the figures of superhero culture. Rhea Ashley Hoskin (Queen’s University) analyzes the challenges presented by the genderqueer characters in Sailor Moon and how English translations and Western binaric thought have worked to erase and rewrite queer identities. Sarah Stanley (Queen’s University) argues that Julie Taymor’s surprising invention of Arachne as a mother figure to Spider-Man (and by extension Peter Parker) is central to the failure of Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark.
Individual Posters — Anita McDaniel and Dorothy Conley (University of North Carolina, Wilmington) explain the rhetorical influence of the narrative imbedded in the Obama-man image that appeared during the 2008 presidential campaign. Julia Round (Bournemouth University) provides a comprehensive survey of the present state and future directions of comics scholarship in the United Kingdom. Tommy Cash (Henderson State University) examines leadership roles and styles in the Marvel universe and asks what separates heroic leaders such as Iron Man and Cyclops from supervillains such as Magneto and Dr. Doom. Joseph R. Givens (Louisiana State University) considers how Robert Williams, whose work has never deviated from its underground comix roots, has successfully applied the principles of sequential art to canvas. June M. Madeley (University of New Brunswick, Saint John) explains how the manga publishing industry is in a state of transition as it attempts to shut down, compete with, or occasionally cooperate with sites that post scanalations of manga.
Room 26AB
2:00-3:00 Lost Podcast and Beyond— Jay Glatfelter and Jack Glatfelter (Jay and Jack TV, The Married Man Show) and special guests get lost in TV talk. The co-hosts of the popular Lost Podcast with Jay and Jack discuss Lost two years after the airing of its finale, as well as other TV shows that have filled their Lost void, such as Once Upon a Time, Person of Interest, Fringe, and many more! Room 28E
2:00-3:00 Trailer Park I— See the latest in trailers from your upcoming soon-to-be-favorite films, including some in 3D (glasses provided, but please give them back as you exit the hall). Hall H
2:00-3:00 Alphas— Alphas are among us…especially at Comic-Con. A panel featuring the stars of Syfy’s Alphas discuss the show’s exciting new season. Moderated by Geoff Boucher (Los Angeles Times). Indigo Ballroom, Hilton San Diego Bayfront
2:30-3:30 Penny Arcade Q&A with Gabe and Tycho— Join Gabe and Tycho (aka Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins) as they return to the SDCC stage. Listen as they take your questions about the comic, the reality series, PAX, Child’s Play, the game industry and more! Room 5AB
2:30-3:30 Spotlight on Ben Edlund— Comic-Con special guest Ben Edlund (creator of The Tick, writer/producer, Firefly, Angel, Point Pleasant, Supernatural) tries to understand what he’s been up to for the last four decades, with clips of some of the lively absurdities in which he’s had a hand. Spend an hour in this hot bath of mind and then write home about it! Moderated by Ben Blacker (co-creator of The Thrilling Adventure Hour, host of The Nerdist Writer’s Panel). Room 8
2:30-3:30 Comic-Con How-To: Proper Pitching and Promoting Yourself— Learn what it will take to present a proper pitch to a client or company. Learn about presentation, body language, elevator pitches, standing out, interview skills, and how to make and opportunity when there isn’t one. This is the perfect panel for those looking to make a name for themselves or trying to get their ideas in front of the company of choice. Bryan Tillman is the academic director for Media Arts and Animation, Game Art and Design, Visual Game Programming, Motion Graphics and Visual Effects at the Art Institute of Washington and the author of Creative Character Design. Ballroom 20
2:30-3:15 American Dad— An exclusive preview of next season’s most hilarious moments, followed by a panel conversation with the cast and producers of American Dad featuring Seth MacFarlane, Wendy Schaal, Scott Grimes, Rachael MacFarlane, Dee Bradley Baker, Mike Barker, and Matt Weitzman. Ballroom 20
2:30-5:00 Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures Preview Their Upcoming Lineups—
Legendary Pictures: Pacific Rim-From acclaimed filmmaker Guillermo del Toro comes Warner Bros. Pictures’ and Legendary Pictures’ epic sci-fi action adventure Pacific Rim. When legions of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, started rising from the sea, a war began that would take millions of lives and consume humanity’s resources for years on end. To combat the giant Kaiju, a special type of weapon was devised: massive robots, called Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are locked in a neural bridge. But even the Jaegers are proving nearly defenseless in the face of the relentless Kaiju. On the verge of defeat, the forces defending mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes — a washed up former pilot (Charlie Hunnam) and an untested trainee (Rinko Kikuchi) — who are teamed to drive a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the past. Together, they stand as mankind’s last hope against the mounting apocalypse. Pacific Rim also stars Idris Elba, Ron Perlman, and Charlie Day.
Warner Bros. Pictures: Man Of Steel
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey-From Academy Award-winning filmmaker Peter Jackson comes The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, a production of New Line Cinema and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM). Jackson returns to Middle-earth in an adventure that begins 60 years before the events depicted in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. The first of two films adapted from J.R.R. Tolkien’s enduringly popular masterpiece, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey follows titular Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman), who-along with the wizard Gandalf (Ian McKellen) and a band of 13 Dwarves led by Thorin Oakenshield (Richard Armitage)-is swept into an epic quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor from the fearsome dragon Smaug. The film’s ensemble cast includes Cate Blanchett, Hugo Weaving, Ian Holm, Christopher Lee, Hugo Weaving, Elijah Wood, Orlando Bloom, Evangeline Lily, and Andy Serkis as Gollum.
Hall H
2:45-3:45 Marvel: Avengers vs. X-Men— The battle between the Avengers and the X-Men rages on in this cosmos-shattering event! All your favorite superheroes enter-and only one team will emerge victorious. You’ve got questions, and these people have the answers! Editor-in-chief Axel Alonso, chief creative officer Joe Quesada, X-Men editor Nick Lowe, SVP of creator and content development C.B. Cebulski, and others are on hand to lay out what’s going on with the epic battle surrounding the X-Men’s Phoenix Five and the Avengers. Room 6BCF
3:00-4:00 20th Anniversary of Bob the Angry Flower— Join preposterous Bob the Angry Flower creator Stephen Notley, momentous moderator Keith Knight (The K Chronicles), and surprise guests in a rollicking discussion of flower hats, Avengers love, dinosaur insolvency, music in comics, and why drawing a flower cartoon for 20 years seemed like a good idea at the time. Karaoke will remain a fierce possibility! Room 4
3:00-4:00 Grimm Q&A/Season 2 Preview— Grimm, NBC’s police procedural with a supernatural mythology, returns to Comic-Con to kick off its second season packed with chills and revelations. Be among the first to get a glimpse of season 2 and participate in a Q&A session with the cast and producers: David Giuntoli (Turn the Beat Around), Russell Hornsby (Lincoln Heights), Bitsie Tulloch (The Artist), Silas Weir Mitchell (Prison Break), Reggie Lee (The Dark Knight Rises), Sasha Roiz (Caprica), Bree Turner (The Ugly Truth), and executive producers/writers Jim Kouf (Angel) and David Greenwalt (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), executive producer/director Norberto Barba (Law & Order: Criminal Intent), and executive producers Sean Hayes (Hot in Cleveland) and Todd Milliner (Hot In Cleveland). Produced by Universal Television and Hazy Mills, Grimm returns late summer on NBC and Grimm Season One will be released on Blu-ray and DVD on August 7. Room 6A
3:00-4:00 Roddenberry Presents— Eugene “Rod” Roddenberry (CEO, Roddenberry Productions), Trevor Roth (head of development, Days Missing), and Tory Mell (producer/writer: White Room: 02B3) are taking the name that created Star Trek and bringing it to levels not seen since the original days of the genre-changing television show. Join them for new exciting Roddenberry news and a sneak peek at the sci-fi short White Room: 02B3, followed by a Q&A with director Greg Aronowitz. Moderated by Frank Meyer (producer, Fresh Ink on G4. Also, giveaway of a new iPad! Room 7AB
3:00-4:00 Spotlight on Doug Savage: Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?— Comic-Con special guest Doug Savage (Savage Chickens) discusses how he became a cartoonist, from the first cartoon drawn on a sticky note after a bad day at the office, to a popular web site and a book published by Penguin USA. Hear how Savage got his start online, find out what’ s next, and learn the ultimate answer to why the chicken crossed the road. This is a story told in chicken cartoons on sticky notes, followed by a Q&A session. Room 9
3:00-4:00 Resin Casting and Silicone Moldmaking: Bigger-Box Models— Jeff Broz has presented 10 previous seminars about plastics and casting. Sam Girgis is producing large-scale garage kits. Whether you want to produce a garage kit model, reproduce your sculpture, or reproduce vintage steampunk, this year’s seminar will cover new materials and tips from previous seminars about silicone mold design and casting techniques. Learn the pitfalls with short run 3D duplication, garage kits, and industrial design. Other topics include vendors, online guides, and material choices to cast your sculptures or models. Room 11AB
3:00-4:00 A Wrinkle in Time— “To boldly go where no man has gone before” is the phrase that has greeted many of us who have looked to the heavens in awe. From the far-flung reaches of the Milky Way to the mind-bending possibilities of time travel, let the authors of speculative fiction tell you what they see when they venture to other dimensions. Board a starship to the future with David Brin (Existence), Deborah Harkness (Shadow of Night), Michael Cassutt (co-author of Heaven’s Shadow trilogy), Charles Yu (Sorry Please Thank You), Phil Hornshaw (co-author of So You Created a Wormhole), Peter F. Hamilton (The Nano Flower), Orson Scott Card (Earth Unaware, Ender’s Game), and Hope Larson (A Wrinkle in Time graphic novel), captained by Maryelizabeth Hart of Mysterious Galaxy. Room 23ABC
3:00-4:00 The Write Stuff V— Meet the writers and producers who make sci-fi, horror and fantasy entertainment what it is today, and get an incredible insider look from the scribes behind some of today’s hottest genre shows as they share their candid thoughts on how to make the series we love (and sometimes loathe). Find out the highly classified secrets to getting TV shows made and how to break in and break out in today’s highly competitive broadcast environment, the deep dark secrets (and, more important, fat-free snacks) of the writer’s room-and why network executives actually care about what you say on message boards and Twitter. No canned speeches and press releases here-get the straight scoop and candid skinny from television’s most talented writers and producers, including Javier Grillo-Marxuach (The Middleman, Lost), Ashley E. Miller (Fringe, Transformers, The Sarah Connor Chronicles), Steve Kriozere (NCIS, Femme Fatales), Steve Melching (Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Transformers: The Series), Gabrielle Stanton (Haven, The Gates), Dave Simkins (Grimm, Human Target), Jose Molina (Firefly, Terra Nova), Amy Berg (Eureka, Leverage), and Mark A. Altman (Femme Fatales, Necessary Roughness). Room 24ABC
3:00-4:00 Take to the Sky: Skybound and the Next Generation of Independence— Things continue to look up for Skybound, Robert Kirkman’s imprint at Image Comics. The premiere original Witch Doctor has sold out nationwide, the all-ages hit Super Dinosaur continues to soar, and Kirkman’s first-ever writer’s room-driven crime drama, Thief of Thieves, is a critical success…what’s next? Join Robert Kirkman as he discusses the future of the imprint with his stable of creators, including the creative teams behind Witch Doctor, Thief of Thieves, and more! Expect only AWESOMENESS. Moderated by Sina Grace. Room 25ABC
3:00-4:00 Indiana Jones Fan Group— Grab your fedora and dust off your Aldens, the Indyfans are back! Brandon Kleyla gathers the troops once again as they discuss all things Indiana Jones! Attractions, Blu-rays, toys, impersonation contest, you name it-if it’s Indy, they’ll cover it! Room 28E
3:00-4:00 Being Human— This panel is a beast. Stars Sam Witwer (Aidan), Meaghan Rath (Sally), and Sam Huntington (Josh) join executive producer Anna Fricke to discuss the forthcoming third season of Syfy’s hit series about a vampire, a ghost, and a werewolf-all just trying to be human. Moderated by Drusilla Moorhouse (Zap2It.com). Indigo Ballroom, Hilton San Diego Bayfront
3:15-4:15 Halo 4: A New Campaign and Halo Infinity Multiplayer— Halo 4 marks the beginning of a new saga in the blockbuster franchise that has shaped entertainment history and defined a generation of gamers. Developed by 343 Industries, get a glimpse at how they have taken Halo 4 in new directions, introducing an ancient threat and the Master Chief’s greatest challenge, as well as an innovative and fresh new take on multiplayer in War Games and Spartan Ops. Panelists include executive producer Kiki Wolfkill, creative director Josh Holmes, and franchise development director Frank O’Connor. Room 6DE
3:15-4:15 Creating Unforgettable Villains— Chris Huntley (story development expert, creator of the Dramatica Story Theory) tells you why the best villains are always the most interesting characters in their stories. So why create two-dimensional, unbeatable, unbelievable bad guys and gals when you can develop them into real, breathing, fully dimensional villains? This how-to panel gives you practical techniques for crafting memorable rogues, heavies, and other nasties. Marriott Hall 2, Marriott Marquis & Marina
3:30-4:30 Disney Channel Television Animation— See exclusive footage and clips from upcoming episodes of Disney Channel’s award-winning series Fish Hooks and its newest mystery adventure series Gravity Falls, plus a sneak peek at the upcoming series Wander Over Yonder. Panelists include Fish Hooks creator Noah Z. Jones (Almost Naked Animals) and executive producer Maxwell Atoms (The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy), Gravity Falls creator Alex Hirsch (Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack), voice talent from both series, and Wander Over Yonder creator Craig McCracken (Powerpuff Girls, Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends) and co-producer Lauren Faust (My Little Pony, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic). Moderated by Eric Coleman, senior vice president, original series, Disney Television Animation. Room 5AB
3:30-4:30 Spotlight on Brecht Evens— Award-winning cartoonist, visual artist, and musician Brecht Evens is a Comic-Con special guest from Belgium. Evens will talk about his graphic novels, which have achieved wide acclaim across Europe and North America, including his latest book, The Making of. Room 8
3:30-4:15 The Vampire Diaries Screening and Q&A— Back for a fourth time all the way from Mystic Falls, the cast and creative team behind The Vampire Diaries descend on Comic-Con! Series stars Nina Dobrev (Degrassi: The Next Generation), Paul Wesley (Roll Bounce), Ian Somerhalder (Lost), Michael Trevino (Cane), and Zach Roerig (Friday Night Lights) join executive producers/writers Kevin Williamson (Scream) and Julie Plec (Kyle XY) for a video screening and Q&A session. The CW’s number one series returns this fall for season 4, promising twists, turns, and-of course-(love) triangles in this defining year for our heroes and the entire town. From Bonanza Productions Inc., Outerbanks Entertainment, and Alloy Entertainment in association with Warner Bros. Television and CBS Television Studios, The Vampire Diaries returns this October, airing Thursdays at 8/7c on The CW. Ballroom 20
3:30-4:30 Kickstarter Changes Comics— Longtime comics fan, writer, and publisher Paul Levitz (Legion of Super-Heroes, Worlds’ Finest) leads a discussion of the way Kickstarter affects the future of the comics field, with Cindy Au (director of community, Kickstarter), Vijaya Iver (publisher, Cartoon Books), Batton Lash (writer/artist, Supernatural Law), and Jimmy Palmiotti (writer, Queen Crab, Retrovirus). Room 26AB
4:00-5:00 Comic-Con How-To: Establishing Shots: Environments in Visual Storytelling— This presentation explores the various ways that environments and layouts can enhance the full experience of visual storytelling. From inception of concept to perspective grids, all the way to final renderings and color use, artist Elvin Hernandez goes over the process for creating not just effective backgrounds but environments that become key players and characters within your story. Artist/educator Elvin Hernandez is a faculty member for the Media Arts and Animation Department at the Art Institute of Washington, and the author of Set the Action!, a book on background design. Room 2
4:00-5:00 Music and Comics— Music in my comics? Comics in my music? Clearly these are two great tastes that taste great together, as shown by graphic novels Chicken with Plums by Marjane Satrapi, Baby’s in Black by Arne Bellstorfand, Johnny Cash: I See A Darkness by Reinhard Kleist, and R. Crumb’s Heroes of Blues, Jazz & Country, as well as such upcoming books as The Carter Family: Don’t Forget This Song by Frank M. Young and David Lasky and Legends of the Blues by William Stout. Join Abrams ComicArts and First Second for a lively discussion on exploring aural art through the visual art of the graphic novel. Participants include William Stout (author/artist Legends of the Blues), Charles Kochman (editorial director, Abrams ComicArts), Sheila Keenan (senior editor, Abrams ComicArts), Mark Siegel (editorial director, First Second), and Calista Brilll (senior editor, First Second). Room 4
4:00-5:00 The Following Screening and Q&A— Don’t miss an exclusive pilot screening of The Following, the terrifying new thriller from creator/executive producer Kevin Williamson (Scream) and executive producer Marcos Siega (The Vampire Diaries). Series stars Kevin Bacon (Mystic River) and James Purefoy (Rome) will join the producers for a Q&A after the screening. This fast-paced drama follows Bacon’s character Ryan Hardy and the FBI as they are challenged with the ever-growing web of murder around them, masterminded by Purefoy’s devious Joe Carroll, who dreams of writing a dark novel with Hardy as his protagonist. From Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Outerbanks Entertainment and Warner Bros. Television, The Following premieres midseason on FOX. Room 6BCF
4:00-5:00 Oddball Comics Live: Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n Roll!— Award-winning cartoonist Scott Shaw! (Annoying Orange, Simpsons Comics, Sonic The Hedgehog, Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew!) returns to Comic-Con with an extra-lurid, extra-funny, new edition of his popular show featuring “the craziest comic books ever published”-including those notorious “crotch-centric” covers from issues of Superman’s Girlfriend, Lois Lane! Even if you’ve seen some of these comic book covers many times before, when you see them blown up to the size of the side of a barn, you’ll be amazed and delighted at the unbelievably hilarious hidden-in-plain-sight imagery that’s revealed! See why Stan Lee says, “Wow, True Believers, I thought I’d seen it all, but Scott Shaw!’s hysterically hilarious Oddball Comics Live is the wildest, wackiest exposé of some of the craziest comic books I’ve ever seen! Or, to put it mildly, Scott’s outrageous opuses are a blast!” Room 7AB
4:00-5:00 BOOM! Studios/KaBOOM!/BOOM! Town Panel— Learn what’s next from BOOM! as editor-in-chief Matt Gagnon, managing editor Bryce Carlson, and creatprs Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning (The Hypernaturals), Sam Humphries (Fanboys vs. Zombies, Higher Earth), Shannon Wheeler (I Thought You Would Be Funnier), and Grace Randolph (Supurbia) run down the most exciting new projects and reveal upcoming titles from BOOM! Studios, KaBOOM!, and BOOM! Town. This is a panel you won’t want to miss! Room 9
4:00-5:00 Writing for Comics, Part 1— Josh Fialkov (I, Vampire, Last of the Greats, Echo) and former Marvel and IDW editor and comics writer Andy Schmidt (X-Men, G.I. Joe, 5 Days to Die) present an honest and informative discussion on the art of writing for comics. Topics include process, enhancing creativity, and keeping your work honest. Want to write comics? This is the place to start! Hosted by Comics Experience. (This is part 1 of a 2-part panel that continues tonight at 7:00.) Room 11AB
4:00-5:00 Heroic Visions: Sergei Eisenstein’s Nevsky from Screen to Panel— Pioneering filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein developed many storytelling techniques that revolutionized film and have influenced comics. The new graphic novel by Ben McCool and Mario Guevara based on his classic motion picture Alexander Nevsky not only presents a timeless story of heroic deeds but highlights the way film and comics interact and influence one another. Writer Ben McCool (Choker, Nevsky), historian Steve Saffel, director/writer Scott Tuft (Severed), and some very special guests explore visual storytelling through the ages. Hosted by Russ Films. Room 23ABC
4:00-5:00 Hasbro: Marvel— Adam Biehl (senior director, global Marvel line at Hasbro), Jesse Falcon (licensing director, Marvel), Dwight Stall (senior Marvel product design manager, Hasbro) and Kristin Hamilton (senior manager, global Marvel line at Hasbro), discuss Hasbro’s popular Marvel Legends, Marvel Universe, The Avengers, The Amazing Spider-Man, and Marvel Bonka Zonks toy lines. Attendees will also get a sneak peek at upcoming, never-before-seen action figures. Adam, Jesse, Dwight and Kristin will also host some Q&A for your burning Marvel action figure questions! Room 24ABC
4:00-5:00 The World of Capcom!— Moderator Francis Mao (Capcom) leads a panel of Capcom’s producers and product managers, as they share trailers and sneak peeks of all the hot upcoming Capcom games, featuring Resident Evil 6, DmC, Lost Planet 3, Street Fighter X Tekken (PS Vita), and a few surprises! Followed by a Q&A session. Room 25ABC
4:00-5:00 Showtime: Shameless— The mischievous, unabashed Gallagher clan returns to Comic-Con for a completely shameless panel! Meet the cast and creative team behind one of the hottest Showtime original series, Shameless, moderated by one of the show’s own consulting producers, Mike O’Malley (Glee). This scrappy, unique family is incredibly engaging, but being a Gallagher isn’t always as easy as it looks. Cast and creators discuss how they capture some of their most shameless moments, plus be there when they reveal the top five fan-favorite moments from the past two seasons as voted on by you! Featured panelists include William H. Macy, Emmy Rossum, Justin Chatwin, Jeremy Allen White, and others. Indigo Ballroom, Hilton San Diego Bayfront
4:15-5:15 EPIX Originals: William Shatner and Roger Corman— Two legends of the entertainment world take to the Comic-Con stage to preview their latest projects. Get a gander at the EPIX Original movie, Roger Corman’s first-ever made in 3D, Attack of the 50 Foot Cheerleader, in which a meek college co-ed is transformed into a gigantic cheerleader. Then take a sneak peek at William Shatner’s Get a Life!, an EPIX original documentary based on Shatner’s hugely popular book, in which he examines the cultural phenomena of Star Trek, its fan-following, and his own role within it. To top it all off the panel will be moderated by “Mr. Comic Book Men” himself, Kevin Smith. Room 6A
4:30-6:00 Spotlight on Gilbert Shelton— Underground comix legend and Comic-Con special guest Gilbert Shelton makes a rare U.S. appearance to discuss his career (including The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers and Wonder Warthog) with moderator Fantagraphics Books co-publisher Gary Groth, plus Ron Turner (publisher, Last Gasp San Francisco), and Shelton’s literary agent, Manfred Mroczkowski (Interlicense Ltd., Mill Valley, CA). Room 5AB
4:30-5:30 Spotlight on Jim Lee— DC Entertainment co-publisher and Comic-Con special guest Jim Lee (Justice League, Batman, Superman) talks about his 25 years in the comics industry and reveals candid photos, plus never-before-seen illustrations, followed by a brief Q&A session. Room 6DE
4:30-5:30 Spotlight on Joe Jusko— Comic-Con special guest illustrator Joe Jusko talks about his career as one of the comics world’s premiere painters. Jusko’s work includes an incredible series of Edgar Rice Burroughs paintings, his Marvel Masterpiece card series, and hundreds of covers. Room 8
4:30-5:15 True Blood Panel and Q&A sessio— Mixing romance, suspense, mystery, and humor, the Emmy and Golden Globe-nominated True Blood kicked off its 12-episode fifth season June 10 on HBO. The series follows the exploits of waitress and part-faerie Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin), who can hear people’s thoughts; vampire Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer); and vampire Eric Northman (Alexander Skarsgård). Oscar and Emmy Award winner Alan Ball created and serves as executive producer of the series, which is based on the bestselling Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris. The series and this panel also features Ryan Kwanten as Jason Stackhouse, Sam Trammell as Sam Merlotte, Rutina Wesley as Tara Thornton, Nelsan Ellis as Lafayette Reynolds, Deborah Ann Woll as Jessica Hamby, Kristin Bauer van Straten as Pam Swynford De Beaufort, Joe Manganiello as Alcide Herveaux and Chris Meloni as Roman Zimojic. Moderated by Tim Stack of Entertainment Weekly. Ballroom 20
4:30-5:30 The Legacy of Harvey Pekar— J. T. Waldman (Megillat Esther) discusses the legacy of Harvey Pekar’s work through the lens of the just-released memoir with Waldman, Not the Israel My Parents Promised Me. Told over the course of a single day in Cleveland, the book explores Pekar’s loss of faith in the modern state of Israel. Waldman discusses this work and the mark Pekar has made on graphic memoir. Room 26AB
5:00-6:00 Comics of the African Diaspora— Actress Robin Givens (Boomerang) moderates a discussion surrounding the history of popular but obscure comic book creators and characters from several African countries and whether some of the superheroes they created may offer new opportunities for the comic and movie industries. Kevin Grevioux (co-creator, Underworld film series), Lee Daniels (director/producer, Precious), John Jennings (creator, co-author Black Comix), and Damian Duffy (author, Other Heroes: African American Comics Creators, Characters, and Archetypes), participate in this discussion, with Q&A to follow. Room 4
5:00-6:00 Locke & Key— The Locke family has been through a lot so far in the acclaimed series, but the worst is yet to come in Omega, the concluding Locke & Key storyline coming this winter. IDW editor-in-chief and L&K editor Chris Ryall hosts a sit-down with the Locke & Key creators, writer Joe Hill and artist Gabriel Rodriguez, as they tell you what is coming in Omega, what else they have planned once that wraps, and a few surprises as well. Room 9
5:00-6:00 Art Demo with Jeffrey Watts— Acclaimed instructor and artist Jeffrey R. Watts presents a look at the traditional skills in drawing needed to excel in today’s entertainment, fine art, and illustration industries. Jeff will be demonstrating drawing from life in the method he teaches at the Art School he directs and founded here in San Diego some 20 years ago. He will show you hands-on the value of learning to draw in this methodology that is steeped in a rich heritage and lineage that includes some of the greatest illustrators, concept artists, and fine artists of the past and working today. Great for aspiring artist’s and professionals. Room 11AB
5:00-6:00 BrickJournal— In the past decade, a community has grown around the toy bricks produced by the LEGO Group. With Joe Meno (editor of BrickJournal magazine and contributor to The Cult of LEGO book) as your guide, see how the community has grown and what they have built, with builders Brandon Griffith and Elizabeth Cortes, plus Jim Foulds of the LEGO Community Team and LEGO certified professional builder Nathan Sawaya. Dust off those bricks and join the community of LEGO builders! Room 23ABC
5:00-6:00 Costume Designers and Illustrators: From Concept to Reality— Join a discussion with the creative minds that help bring your favorite sci-fi, fantasy and comic book characters to life on the big screen through the art of costume design and illustration. Learn how Costume Designers Guild members Shawna Trpcic (The Cabin In The Woods), Monique Prudhomme (Underworld Awakening), and Varya Avdyushko (Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter) and costume illustrators Christian Cordella (Snow White, Hunger Games, Thor), Constantine Sekeris (Green Lantern, Thor, Star Trek), Phillip Boute Jr. (Man of Steel, Star Trek, Hansel & Gretel, Twilight), Brian Velenzuela (Star Trek, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice), and Rosi Gabl (xXx, Mission To Mars) take costumes from concept to reality. Room 24ABC
5:00-6:00 Mass Effect: Past, Present, and Future— Developers from Mass Effect offer an exciting look at the evolution of the Mass Effect franchise. Mike Gamble (producer), Corey Gaspur (senior combat designer), Parrish Ley (lead cinematic animator), Sylvia Feketekuty (writer), Chris Helper (writer), Jessica Merizan (community manager) and Chris Priestly (community specialist) discuss the history of the series, beloved characters, multiplayer gaming and hints at upcoming DLC. Don’t forget to bring your emergency induction port! Room 25ABC
5:00-6:00 Glee— The popular show returns for the fourth straight year, with a star-studded panel moderated by TVLine’s Michael Ausiello. Embrace your inner Gleek and join co-creator/executive producer Brad Falchuk and stars Lea Michele (Rachel Berry), Cory Monteith (Finn Hudson), Naya Rivera (Santana Lopez), Kevin McHale (Artie Abrams), and Jenna Ushkowitz (Tina Cohen-Chang) as they discuss the past season, which ended in an emotional and shocking conclusion that will change everything for the students and graduates of McKinley High. Indigo Ballroom, Hilton San Diego Bayfront
5:15-6:00 Person of Interest Screening and Q&A— The smash hit Person of Interest returns to San Diego! Join series stars Jim Caviezel (The Thin Red Line), Michael Emerson (Lost), Taraji P. Henson (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button), and Kevin Chapman (Rescue Me), along with executive producers Jonathan Nolan (The Dark Knight) and Greg Plageman (Cold Case), for a Q&A and special video presentation highlighting the most-watched new series of the 2011-12 television season-and a sneak peek at what’s to come in season 2. Person of Interest is a crime thriller about a presumed dead former CIA agent, Reese (Caviezel), who teams up with a mysterious billionaire, Finch (Emerson), to prevent violent crimes. Aided by “The Machine” — and opposed by ruthless criminals, corrupt cops, and shadowy elements within the government — the team works with NYPD detectives Carter (Henson) and Fusco (Chapman) to stop crimes before they happen. From Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Bad Robot Productions and Warner Bros. Television, Person of Interest airs Thursdays at 9/8c on CBS. Room 6BCF
5:15-5:45 Trailer Park II— Once more with feeling! See the latest in trailers from your upcoming soon-to-be-favorite films, including some in 3D (glasses provided, but please give them back as you exit the hall). Hall H
5:30-8:00 Gays in Comics: 25th Year Celebration!— The comic world’s longest-running panel celebrates its silver anniversary with an incredible all-star lineup and celebration that spotlights creators, comics, and fans from 1988 to the present. It was once unthinkable that mainstream companies such as DC, Marvel, and Archie would have bestselling and award-winning titles frontlining gay characters such as Batwoman, Northstar, and Kevin Keller. Now, they hire top-level gay or gay-friendly creators, and independent publishers and creators are publishing unequivocal content spotlighting gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered characters, to the cheers of the thousands of fans who are out of the comic book closet and those who welcome diversity among comic book protagonists. This year, founding moderator and best-selling author Andy Mangels, chairs a new form of panel, a live documentary that will unfold for the audience, featuring a mixture of commentary, images, music and other surprises! Showcased with live appearances and video messages will be an army of awesome creators who have appeared on the previous 24 panels, including Howard Cruse, creator of Stuck Rubber Baby and Barefootz, founder of Gay Comix, and godfather of the gay comic movement; Roberta Gregory, creator of Naughty Bits and Bitchy Bitch and the godmother of the gay comic movement; Phil Jimenez, amazing artist of Fairest, Astonishing X-Men, and Wonder Woman; Alison Bechdel, creator of the award-winning Fun Home, Dykes To Watch Out For, and the new book Are You My Mother?; Charles “Zan” Christensen, founding member of Prism Comics and publisher of gay-themed Northwest Press; Gail Simone, the writer of Batgirl, Wonder Woman, and the sexually diverse Secret Six; Eric Shanower, respected artist, writer, and publisher of Age of Bronze and Oz books; Joan Hilty, creator of the weekly comic strip Bitter Girl and past DC editor; Ivan Velez, Jr., writer of Tales of the Closet and Ghost Rider; Paige Braddock, the creator of the comic book and newspaper strip Jane’s World; Joe Phillips, artist and publisher of Joe Boys, Star Trek, and The Heretic; Trina Robbins, remarkable writer and artist whose work on behalf of women in comics has helped redefine the industry; Dan Parent, writer and artist for Archie and Betty & Veronica and creator of Archie’s new gay character, Kevin Keller; Wendy Pini, the creator of ElfQuest and Masque of Red Death; Chip Kidd, award-winning author, editor, and designer of books such as Batman: Death by Design, Bat-Manga, and Rough Justice; Patty Jeres, past DC Comics director of marketing communications, and past Prism Comics co-president; Joe Palmer, awesome webmaster of Gay League.com; Ed Luce, writer/artist of the Bear-centric Wuvable Oaf and small press retailer; Jeff Krell, creator and publisher of the long-running Jayson series; Robert Triptow, legendary cartoonist and past editor of Gay Comix; Justin Hall, author of No Straight Lines: Four Decades of Queer Comics, creator of Glamazonia, and Prism Comics talent chair; Marc Andreyko, author of the fan-favorite Manhunter series and Captain America and Bucky; Sean-Z, erotic artist of Rated-Z Studios’ Myth series; Steve Englehart, industry legend and creator of comics’ first out gay superhero Extrano in 1987’s Millennium; Jon Macy, award-winning writer and artist of Teleny and Camille and Fearful Hunter; Ted Abenheim, the new president of Prism Comics and heroic and tireless fundraiser for GLBT organizations; and Roger Klorese, a past president of Prism Comics and longtime comic and Internet trailblazer. This panel will be chock-full from beginning to end, so be on time or you’ll miss some awesome surprises that we aren’t announcing yet! Afterward, stick around for the celebratory gay comics fan mixer/social, hosted by Prism Comics, with prizes and surprise special guests! Room 6A
5:30-6:30 Spotlight on John Scalzi— Comic-Con special guest John Scalzi (Redshirts) talks about his latest work, his upcoming novel, video game, and film projects, takes questions and generally tries to amuse the hell out of you for an hour. With him as moderator/interviewer/conspirator: Wil Wheaton (Tabletop). It’ll be the most fun you can have while respirating. Room 7AB
5:30-6:30 Spotlight on Mark Waid— Comic-Con special guest Mark Waid (Kingdom Come, Daredevil, Thrillbent) hosts a Q&A retrospective on his long career and on his new digital comics venture, Thrillbent — how it’s gone so far and what big developments will be announced at the show. Talk with one of the industry’s most notoriously outspoken figures about the past and future of comics! Room 8
5:30-7:00 Comic-Con How-To: Figure Drawing: Transposing Reality into Fantastical— Ron Lemon’s explores the figure in art and how it has been designed for specific storytelling purposes. He looks at several artists and how they have used the human form and designed it, and how one can approach drawing not by taking from someone else’s style but by examining what makes their art what it is through the artist’s design choices. You will be given many exercises to help explore and create a more cohesive and unique template for your figures/characters in whatever project you are working on. Ballroom 20
5:30-6:30 Transforming Super-Powered Comic Book Readers into Comic Book Writers— Panelists discuss the skills and rituals used to produce graphic novels and how educators can guide comic book readers to become comic book writers. Panelists include Joe Kelly (Deadpool, Uncanny X-Men, Action Comics, JLA, I Kill Giants), Jimmy Gownley (Shades of Gray, Amelia Rules), Jennifer and Matthew Holm (Babymouse, Squish), John Hogan (editor, Graphic Novel Reporter), Dr. Katie Monnin (University of N. Florida, Teaching Graphic Novels); Dr. James Bucky Carter (UTEl Paso, Building Literacy Connections with Graphic Novels, Super Powered Word Study), and led and moderated by Dr. Meryl Jaffe (Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth OnLine division, Teaching Content Area Graphic Novels). Room 26AB
5:45-6:45 Metal Hurlant Chronicles— In the lineage of cult series such as The Twillight Zone, The Outer Limits, and Tales from the Crypt, Metal Hurlant Chronicles is the science fiction live-action adaptation of stories from the eponymous world-renowned magazine that gave birth in the U.S. to Heavy Metal. This series world premiere screening will be followed by Q&A session with director Guillaume Lubrano; actors Michael Jai White (The Dark Knight), James Marsters (Buffy),and Darren Shahlavi (Watchmen); fight choreographer Larnell Stovall (Mortal Kombat); and composer Jesper Kyd (Assassins Creed). Room 6DE
6:00-7:00 CCAS Panel: Spiritual Themes In Comics— The always lively CCAS panel examines spiritual themes in both contemporary comics and pop culture in general, with a special nod this year to Ridley Scott’s Prometheus. Join Wayne Gardiner (Crucidel Productions), Sergio Cariello (The Action Bible), Leo Partible (The Action Bible), moderator Buzz Dixon (Savage Angels), and others for this fascinating analysis. Room 4
6:00-7:00 Reimagining a Gaming Icon: Lara Croft— Karl Stewart (Tomb Raider global brand director), John Stafford (Tomb Raider lead script writer), Camilla Luddington (voice of Lara Croft), and others discuss the journey of reimagining one of the most iconic franchises in video game history, Tomb Raider, through story, performance, and a lot of planning! Join the team for this Q&A session moderated by Geoff Keighley (host, Spike TV). Room 5AB
6:00-7:00 Revolution Pilot Screening and Q&A— What would you do without it all? In this epic adventure thriller from Supernatural’s Eric Kripke and J. J. Abrams’s Bad Robot Productions and directed by Jon Favreau (Iron Man films), a family struggles to reunite in a post-apocalyptic American landscape: a world of empty cities, local militias and heroic freedom fighters, where every piece of technology-computers, planes, cars, phones, even lights-has mysteriously blacked out…forever. After the screening, there will be a special Q&A with creator and executive producer Eric Kripke and series stars Billy Burke (Twilight films), Giancarlo Esposito (Once Upon a Time), and Tracy Spiridakos (Being Human). From Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Bad Robot Productions, Kripke Enterprises and Warner Bros. Television, Revolution will air Mondays at 10/9c on NBC this fall. Room 6BCF
6:00-7:00 Archaia: How to Tell a Better Story Through World Building— Are you an aspiring storyteller? Want to know the keys to world building and telling a good story? David Petersen (Mouse Guard), Jeremy Bastian (Cursed Pirate Girl), and Royden Lepp (Rust), three accomplished storytellers who have published or are publishing books through Archaia, present an informative, entertaining panel to show you how world building can help you write and/or draw a better story. From character development to settings and environment to deciding on the right era, this panel will impart valuable insight into what goes into crafting a better story. Panelists will showcase rarely seen sketch art, concept designs, and models to enhance their presentation. Room 9
6:00-7:00 Adobe Photoshop: Insights from the Photoshop Team and Pro Artists— Photoshop’s Daniel Presedo, Chris Cox, and Nikolai Svakhin are joined by artists Brian Haberlin (Witchblade, Anomaly) and Bill Sienkiewicz (Marvel, DC) to discuss Adobe Photoshop, the industry standard in digital imaging. It’s used by professionals worldwide for design, photography, video editing, and more. Prepare for a lively discussion and Q&A. Adobe will be giving away two copies of Photoshop Extended CS6. Room 11AB
6:00-7:00 Best and Worst Manga of 2012— Go to any book or comics shop and you’ll find a ton of comics from Japan in English. But what’s worth reading and what’s not? An all-star cast of comics critics, retailers, experts, and editors assemble to rant and rave about the year’s best manga. Find out what Brigid Alverson (Mangablog, MTV Geek, Publishers Weekly), Christopher Butcher (blogger at Comics212.net, comics and manga retailer, The Beguiling), Carlo Santos (Anime News Network manga reviewer, Right Turn Only), Shaenon Garrity (Narbonic, freelance manga editor), and Deb Aoki (manga editor, About.com) have to say about the best new and continuing titles for kids, teens, and grown-ups. See panelists get super-excited about the best upcoming releases, and see them groan about the year’s most despicable wastes of their reading time. Room 23ABC
6:00-7:00 The Animated Comic App Experiment: Bottom of the Ninth— Storyboard artist (The Avengers, Cowboys and Aliens), animator (The Iron Giant) and creator of Bottom of the Ninth, Ryan Woodward had an idea. What if there was a comic that when the user touches the panels it came alive with traditionally animated characters that breath and speak, a 3d universe that cinematically draws you in with sound effects and an original score? Ryan did it and still has his marbles to share his journey of passion, work, and struggles into an unknown market. Room 24ABC
6:00-7:00 Are You a Geek Girl Trendsetter? Show Off Your Style to the Fashion Experts and Win Prizes!— Inspired by the NBC television show Fashion Star, Her Universe founder Ashley Eckstein (voice of Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars: The Clone Wars) wants to give geek girl trendsetters the opportunity to show their unique style and original designs to the experts! Comic-Con is full of geek girls who create, design, and construct their own fashions, and what better way to get feedback than to show your trendsetting creations to this panel of fashion professionals. Girls are asked to attend in their own custom-made everyday geek/sci-fi inspired outfits and accessories. A select number of girls in the audience will be chosen for a chance to present their look in front of the panel to get their feedback and advice. Each panelist will choose one girl who truly impressed them with their overall design and flair, and those girls will receive a special prize. The panel is made up of fashion buyers, designers, stylists, and actresses from the sci-fi world who will also give their advice on how to create your own geek style and look. MTV Geek will be filming the panel for their Comic-Con coverage. Room 25ABC
6:00-7:00 Marvel Studios: Iron Man 3— Producer Kevin Feige and special guests provide an inside look at the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe. Hall H
6:00-7:30 A Tribute to the Legendary Ray Bradbury— Some called him the greatest writer of fantasy of all time. He was a writer of legendary science fiction, an inspiration to generations, and a good friend of Comic-Con. We lost him on June 12, and now many of his friends and colleagues gather to celebrate this extraordinary figure. The guest list is still being finalized as this guide goes to press, but it should include authors William F. Nolan, George Clayton Johnson, Marc Scott Zicree, Joe Hill, and Margaret Atwood, along with figures from the worlds of motion pictures and television. Your hosts are Bradbury biographer Sam Weller (Shadow Show: All-New Stories in Celebration of Ray Bradbury) and Comic-Con special guest Mark Evanier. Attendees are encouraged to come dressed as their favorite Bradbury character. Indigo Ballroom, Hilton San Diego Bayfront
6:30-7:30 Gaming Kickstarter— Gaming industry veterans Oded Sharon (developer for Leisure Suit Larry), Chris Jones (Tex Murphy), Chris Pope (Two Guys from Andromeda: SpaceVenture), Jordan Weisman (Shadowrun), and Chris Avellone (Wasteland 2) discuss the new development model in gaming: Kickstarter! Join them as they discuss the ins-and-outs of the process, challenges, and lessons learned in creating a new generation of games for gamers through the Kickstarter model. Strategies, fan input, and advice for other projects are all on the table-learn firsthand what you can do to get your dream project funded! Room 7AB
6:30-7:30 AFI’s Behind the Plastic: Action Figure Insider Live 2012— Once a year, fans are able to get the inside scoop on the action figure lines that they love and get answers straight from the people who make them. Industry leaders from every corner of the toy world, from companies large and small will discuss the state of the hobby and answer your burning questions. They’ll talk about the difference between being the licensor vs. the licensee, the Kickstarter phenomenon of funding toys before they go into production, how to keep up with the editorial side of a property, tips on how to break into the toy industry, and much more. They might even give away a toy or two in the process. Moderator Daniel “Julius Marx” Pickett from ActionFigureInsider.com is joined by Jesse Falcon (director of merchandising for Disney/Marvel brands), Jim Fletcher (design director-creative services, DC Entertainment), Jason Lenzi (CEO, Bif Bang Pow), Jerry Macaluso (president, Pop Culture Shock Collectibles), Scott Neitlich (marketing manager, Mattel), Brian Stevenson (co-owner/designer, SpyMonkey Creations), Chuck Terceira (director, Diamond Select Toys and Collectibles), Jeff Trojan (VP, Marketing Playmates Toys), and David Vonner (director of product design, Kasual Friday). Room 8
6:30-7:30 Ted Naifeh and the 10th Anniversary of Courtney Crumrin— You’ve spent 10 years with the always sassy, never sissy Ms. Crumrin, and one question has been burning at the back of your mind that you thought would never be answered. Think no more! Ready your Qs, mind your Ps, and join Courtney Crumrin creator and New York Times bestseller Ted Naifeh as he relives every moment of Courtney’s journey and talks about the thrill of seeing it in color! Room 26AB
7:00-8:00 The Future of Graphic Novels— A look at the not-so-distant future of interactive graphic storytelling — Moderator Harry McCracken (editor at large for Time’s Techland and founder of Technologizer) will discuss with panelists Steve Yatson (senior director of productivity and graphics / product manager of motion artist, Smith Micro Software), Doug TenNapel (creator of Earthworm Jim), Brian Haberlin (co-creator of the Witchblade franchise and style), Olivia d’Abo (known as Star Sapphire in Justice League: Doom), Mike Norton (known for his work on Runways, Gravity) and Daniel Cooney (comics writer/illustrator of Valentine and professor at the Academy of Art University), exactly what’s next in the evolution of comics, the technology behind it and what it means for the comic industry. Room 4
7:00-8:00 Gaia Online— Chris Castagnetto (DJ Helsing) is proud to be hosting the Official Gaia Online Panel. This is your chance to meet the Gaia staff, get your burning questions answered and take a sneak peek at some of the great stuff Gaia has planned for 2012. Expect plenty of fun and some great prizes. Room 5AB
7:00-8:00 Gays Comic Fan Mixer!— Hosted by and benefiting Prism Comics, the nonprofit organization that supports gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered comics, creators, and readers. Mingle with comics fans and creators and stay for the special drawing of a “Comics Gift Basket” and the silent auction of incredible comics items, including original art and more! Room 6A
7:00-8:00 Vertigo: Fables— The annual Fables Comic-Con panel is back and better than ever! With the launch of Vertigo’s critically acclaimed Fairest, there’s no better time to hear what Bill Willingham, creator of the multi-Eisner Award-winning series Fables and Fairest, has to say. Join Bill, artists Mark Buckingham, Lauren Beukes, Adam Hughes, Steve Leialoha, group editor Shelly Bond, and others for a panel that is truly legendary. Room 6DE
7:00-8:00 What’s New at Harper Voyager and Harper Teen— The hottest books for both teens and adults are genre books-dystopias, urban fantasy and supernatural, and horror. Executive editor Diana Gill talks about the best new titles from Harper Voyager and Morrow/Avon-the newest James Rollins, sneak peeks at the next Kim Harrison and Richard Kadrey’s Devil Said Bang, Brom’s new amazing book, fabulous new debuts, exclusive giveaways, and author appearances, including Robin Hobb, Richard Kadrey, and others. Christina Colangelo of HarperTeen presents an exclusive sneak peek at major upcoming YA book releases from the publishing powerhouse that brought you The Vampire Diaries and Divergent by Veronica Roth, the #1 bestselling teen series Rolling Stone hailed as the “next Hunger Games.” Expect plenty of giveaways and limited-edition merchandise and special guest appearances by Kiersten White (Endlessly), Tahereh Mafi (Shatter Me), and Dan Wells (Partials). Find out what’s hot at Harper Voyager and Harper Teen. Room 9
7:00-8:00 Writing for Comics, Part 2— Josh Fialkov (I, Vampire, Last of the Greats, Echo) and former Marvel and IDW editor and comics writer Andy Schmidt (X-Men, G.I. Joe, 5 Days to Die) present an honest and informative discussion on the art of writing for comics. Take a more advance look into how to craft your stories and get your idea from a notion to the printed page! Hosted by Comics Experience. Room 11AB
7:00-8:00 Writers Unite! Pitching Your Creator-Owned Comics— Creator-owned comics have grabbed the imagination of the comic-reading community all over again and publishers are looking for fresh ideas from a new generation of talent. Listen closely as creators Cullen Bunn (The Sixth Gun), Ray Fawkes (One Soul), Charles Soule (27), and moderator Jim Zub (Skullkickers) discuss pitching their hit comic series to publishers and offer advice on how to climb to the top of the treacherous submission mountain, along with comic writing techniques and amusing anecdotes. Room 23ABC
7:00-8:00 Building Props for Sci-Fi in the 21st Century— Sci-fi props already have the advantage of a sharp aesthetic, but in this day and age, how do you take sci-fi prop making and the replica making that tends to follow to the next level? Andy Gore (QMx), Jack Kenney (Warehouse 13), Andy Siegel (Avatar, The Amazing Spiderman, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo), John Eblan (Star Wars Episodes II and III), and Nick Robatto (Doctor Who, Torchwood) discuss how your favorite props are made, from concept to execution. The panel will discuss the impact of accelerated production schedules and technology on how TV and movie props are conceived and created. You will also learn the various types of prop making, from working props and digital modeling to 3D printers and the use of advanced materials. Room 24ABC
7:00-8:00 Larry Nemecek’s Trekland: Between the Cracks…2012 Double-Whammy Edition!— Larry Nemecek (The Captains of the Final Frontier, ST:TNG Companion) brings his Star Trek author/historian/producer archives back for this year’s edition to celebrate the 30th anniversary of The Wrath of Khan and the 25th for The Next Generation: behind the scenes, humor, the what-ifs, the bizarre-and always some all-new blooper stills, to boot. And there’s that flick coming next year…The Con of Wrath, of course-Larry’s documentary. Oh, yes-and then that other movie, too. Room 25ABC
7:15-8:15 MythBusters— A Comic-Con fan favorite, MythBusters is back with their traditional Saturday evening panel. Adam Savage, Jamie Hyneman, Tory Belleci, Grant Imahara, and Kari Byron talk about their recent exploits and upcoming fall Mythbuster-y goodness! Room 6BCF
7:15-9:15 Comi-Kev: Q&A with Kevin Smith— For like the millionth year in a row, Saturday at Comic-Con’s not over ’til the fat lady sings…and that fat lady is @ThatKevinSmith! Taking the the Hall H stage like he takes the desserts off your lunch tray, the guy in the hockey jersey will A all of your Qs! Query about Comic Book Men, Spoilers, SModcast.com, his book Tough Sh*t, Jay & Silent Bob’s Super Groovy Cartoon Movie, his Fat Man on Batman podcast, or just ask him about stuff he’s got nothing to do with! But get ready to listen because this fatty is chatty! Warning: Kevin Smith throws around adult language like it’s clever. It’s not, but he loves it. A lot. Hall H
7:30-8:30 Unlocking Arkham: The Forensic Psychiatry of Batman’s Rogues’ Gallery— Back by popular demand! Broadcast Thought’s original Comic-Con panel with updated information and insights! Arkham Asylum houses some of Gotham City’s most disturbed villains. But are they truly “insane”? From the vantage point of forensic psychiatrists utilizing real-world psychiatric diagnostic criteria, explore the mental disorders that plague The Dark Knight’s Rogues’ Gallery. Probe the minds of villains such as Two-Face, Riddler, Mr. Zsasz, Maxie Zeus, Harley Quinn, the Joker, and others. Are these characters psychotic, or are they psychopaths? What’s the difference? Learn as forensic psychiatrists H. Eric Bender, M.D., Praveen Kambam, M.D., and Vasilis K. Pozios, M.D. discuss the meaning of these terms and explain how criminal defendants are found “not guilty by reason of insanity.” See how Arkham Asylum compares to a real-world forensic hospital. Discover that truth truly is stranger than fiction. Bring your questions, and join the experts as they unlock Arkham Asylum and possibly set some of its “inmates” free! Room 7AB
7:30-8:30 Showrunners— TBA Room 8
7:30-8:30 RAW Studios: Past, Present, and Future— Thomas Jane (The Punisher 2004), and Tim Bradstreet (The Punisher Max), take you through the paces on their old and new projects. Topics include the Dark Country GN and the upcoming new books The Lycan and Alien Worlds. Guest panelists James Daly (Bad Planet), and Greg Staples (Bad Planet V2) join the fray. Also video and news on RAW’s upcoming feature film western, A Magnificent Death from a Shattered Hand. Plus a major video game announcement AND a very special surprise for friends of Frank! Talk with Q&A, moderated by Jane and Bradstreet. Room 26AB
7:30-9:30 CBLDF Live Art Auction— The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund hosts its biggest auction of the year: Comic-Con Live Art Auction! This year’s auction is sponsored by Things From Another World, and will feature lots for bidding curated by some of comicdom’s top editors, dealers, and fans. With an amazing array of everything from pin-ups, original pages, sketches, and concept art, there is something for every taste and every price range, featuring work from such luminaries as Walter Simonson, Frank Quitely, Gabriel Hardman, Tim Sale, Francesco Francavilla, Francis Manapul, Jeffery Brown, David Lloyd, Scott Hampton, Terry Dodson, Mike Deodato, Gabriel Bá, Fábio Moon, Charlie Adlard, and many, many more! Preview images and bidding instructions are available to see at www.cbldf.org/sdcc-auction-2012, or at the CBLDF’s booth! Sapphire Room AB, Hilton San Diego Bayfront
8:00-9:00 Occupy Comics: Activism, Kickstarter, and Comics— Get the story behind the historic Occupy Comics project that inspired dozens of top comics pros to take a stand, bummed out Frank Miller, and brought Alan Moore and David Lloyd back together in the same book for the first time since the Occupy-inspiring V for Vendetta. With a star-studded roster featuring Charlie Adlard (The Walking Dead), Art Spiegelman (Maus), Ben Templesmith (30 Days of Night), and many more, Occupy Comics raised nearly three times its Kickstarter fundraising goal, with all revenue beyond hard costs being donated to Occupy protesters. Organizational spearhead Matt Pizzolo (Godkiller, president Halo-8) will be joined by contributors Steve Niles (30 Days of Night), Tyler Crook (Petrograd, B.P.R.D.), Brea Grant and Zane Grant (We Will Bury You, Suicide Girls), Joshua Dysart (Swamp Thing, The Unknown Soldier), Zoetica Ebb (Biorequiem), Mark L. Miller (The Jungle Book), and others special guests to discuss counterculture art, creating activist comics without being annoying, and tips on how to fundraise for your own comics. Room 4
8:00-9:00 Guerilla Marketing— Scott Sigler (author of Nocturnal, the Galactic Football League series and Infected graphic novel), Gini Koch (author of Alien Tango, Touched by an Alien, Alexander Outland: Space Pirate), and Jeffrey Twohig (small print and on-demand publisher) talk about easy, simple, and inexpensive tips from bestselling authors and publishers both selling (and marketing) today. Room 9
8:00-9:00 Star Wars Trivia Panel— Think you know all about the galaxy far, far away? Want to win valuable prizes? Hosts and San Diego Star Wars Society co-founders Linda Crispien and Brendan Prout put you to the test! The San Diego Star Wars Society has challenged fans at Star Wars Celebration III and Comic Con International for 11 years with intriguing trivia. The games begin with a kids round, where kids 12 and under are eligible to play. The remainder of the games are open to all ages. Do you have what it takes to win? Come to this panel to find out…and may The Force be with you! Room 23ABC
8:00-9:00 Make It So: What Interface Design and Science Fiction Can Learn From Each Other— Chris Noessel (co-author, managing director, and practice lead for Interaction Design at San Francisco software design agency Cooper) and Nathan Shedroff (co-author, program chair of MBA Design Strategy Program at California College of the Arts) share material from their forthcoming Rosenfeld Media book, due in August, that uses video clips of interfaces from sci-fi movies and television shows to trace the lines of influence between design in sci-fi and design in the real world. Room 24ABC
8:00-11:00 Hall H and Ballroom 20 Saturday Panel Playback— Didn’t get into either Hall H or Ballroom 20 today? We feel your pain! In this three-hour block, Comic-Con will rebroadcast some of the day’s popular panels from those two giant rooms. Best of all, those in attendance will get to vote on what they want to see. It’s democracy at its finest AND it’s a second chance to see these panels. (Please note: these playbacks will include only the panel discussions. None of the film clips or footage shown at the live events will be shown here.) Room 25ABC
8:15-9:15 Lost Girl— Anna Silk (Bo), Kris Holden-Ried (Dyson), Ksenia Solo (Kenzi), and Jay Firestone (executive-producer) answer fan questions and discuss the behind-the-scenes action that occurs on the set of the hit Showcase and Syfy series Lost Girl. Room 6BCF
8:15-9:15 Femme Fatales Revealed: Behind the Scenes of TV’s Newest Hit— Meet the cast and crew of the cult smash on Cinemax that Entertainment Weekly hailed as a “badass chick anthology series” and Geek Magazine calls “50% Tarantino, 50% Sin City, 100% Cool.” Inspired by pulp novels, comic books, and classic film noir, Femme Fatales, is based on the bestselling magazine of the same name. Every episode features the exploits of powerful and dangerous women who use their survival instincts to escape perilous situations and exude their inner guile. Creators/executive producers Mark A. Altman (Necessary Roughness, Castle) and Steve Kriozere (NCIS, Necessary Roughness, V.I.P.) host a panel of the show’s most beautiful and lethal femme fatales along with composer Joe Kraemer and some surprise guests. Also expect giveaways you won’t get anywhere else for the first 100 fans, along with a special sneak preview of the incredible one hour season finale, “Libra,” featuring a new iconic superhero created by the legendary Bob Layton (Iron Man), and a chance to win copies of the new Femme Fatales soundtrack and trading cards. Femme Fatales debuts on home video this fall and is a Four Amigos/Radioactive Fishtank Production. Room 6DE
8:30-11:30 HBO Presents the Comic-Con Masquerade: Overflow Seating (5AB)— Watch the Masquerade on simulcast. Tickets not required for overflow areas. Room 5AB
8:30-11:30 HBO Presents the Comic-Con Masquerade: Overflow Seating (6A)— Watch the Masquerade on simulcast. Tickets not required for overflow areas. Room 6A
8:30-9:30 Shut Up! Cartoons (Alloy Digital and Smosh’s YouTube Original Animation Channel)— What do you get when the creative geniuses behind Smosh (third biggest channel on YouTube) and the former president of Disney Television Animation join forces with some of the most innovative animation creators out there (and the freedom to just do what they do best)? You get Shut Up! Cartoons-the original online animation channel part of YouTube’s original programming initiative-a bona fide hit with prime viewing audiences and proof-positive that the web is a fertile breeding ground for the next breakthrough multiplatform animated hits! Join the producers and creators of one of the most successful YouTube premium channel launches and hear how they’ve captivated a significant audience of next gen viewers. Featuring Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox — the comedic web duo Smosh — and Graham Bennett (YouTube content partnerships). Room 7AB
8:30-11:30 HBO Presents the Comic-Con Masquerade— Fabulous original and re-created costumes crafted by our talented attendees will be showcased on stage before an audience of thousands, with impressive awards and cash prizes bestowed to those judged most outstanding. Doors will open for audience seating at 7:45 pm, but the line will start much earlier! Tickets will be required for seating and will be given out free to those lining up near Ballroom 20 beginning at 2:00 Saturday. Any tickets left over after that will be available at the Masquerade Desk after 4:00. The MCs will once again be writers/artists Phil Foglio and Kaja Foglio of Studio Foglio. (Overflow seating available in Rooms 5AB, 6A and in the Sails Pavilion; tickets not required for overflow areas) Ballroom 20
8:30-11:30 Party and Simulcast Under the Sails of HBO Presents the Comic-Con Masquerade— Avoid the crowds! Watch the simulcast on the big screen while you party with your friends! Sails Pavilion
9:00-10:00 Tromatize Yourself— This year’s Troma panelists reveal their secrets on branding, or how to market yourself, your art, and your ideas in your quest to make a creative living. Troma president and creator of The Toxic Avenger Lloyd Kaufman is joined by a panel of indie experts, including Mick Garris (Masters of Horror), Ron Jeremy (film actor), Anina Bennett and Paul Guinan (Boilerplate), Chris Brandt (Independents), Pat Swinney Kaufman (New York Film Commissioner), and moderator Mimi Cruz (Night Flight Comics). Also: special screening of Brand Your Own Damn Self, starring Stan Lee, a 12-minute video lesson that will premiere at this panel! Stan wrote the foreword to Lloyd’s book Sell Your Own Damn Movie. Parental advisory: This panel may not be appropriate for all ages. Troma Entertainment is Reel Independence! Room 9