Chronicle Director Comments on the Fantastic Four Rumor

Earlier this month, Variety reported that 20th Century Fox was eyeing Chronicle director Josh Trank to take on the Fantastic Four reboot. SuperHeroHype got a chance today to talk to Trank, who told us that’s news to him, however.

“I know as much as you guys know. I’m totally serious. I know as much as you,” he said. “I saw that leak online and I was like, ‘Um, okay, I’m trying to finish Chronicle right now.’ This is weird. There’s nothing to say, ‘Chronicle’ is exactly the kind of superhero movie that I wanted to make and, going forward, I want to have some original ideas and different things I’m working on.”

So there’s still the possibility that the studio might be interested in having him on board, but they haven’t communicated that to him if so, obviously.
