Check Out Ultra-Cool Green Lantern Gear!

Someone up there on OA must like us here at SuperHeroHype right now–or else maybe they just feel sorry for our rotten bad luck with airlines (sorry, inside joke)–because on Tuesday, just hours before the first trailer for Warner Bros.’ Green Lantern, starring Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Mark Strong and Peter Sarsgaard and directed by Martin Campbell, hit the internet, we received a small Fed Ex package here at the New York branch of SuperHeroHype and inside, well, see for yourself!

Yes, it’s a genuine bonafide Green Lantern ring replica—this one made out of metal rather than the plastic ones DC Comics have previously made available! If that wasn’t enough coolness for one week, a couple days later, another package arrived via Fed Ex, this one substantially larger, and inside was what looked like a replica of Hal Jordan’s lockbox from Ferris Aircraft. Knowing that it must be related to the ring, we opened it and we were greeted by Ryan Reynolds’ voice stating the Green Lantern Oath, so here’s a recreation of us opening said box for your enjoyment:

As you can see below, inside the box was a very cool Green Lantern sweatshirt, a T-shirt and baseball cap and a special wristband, as well as a card stating that we were one of the first chosen to join the Green Lantern Corps. 

Apparently, these rings and all of that cool Green Lantern Corps induction merch are being sent to the cream of the crop in terms of celebrities, musicians and sports stars including Scarlett Johansson, Matt Damon, Chris Pine, Jay-Z, Taylor Lautner, Kobe Bryant and others, making them the first inductees into the Green Lantern Corp. So clearly they made a mistake by including yours truly in there, but we’re not ones to look a gift Guardian in the mouth, and if they want us to join their Corps, we’re going to do our best to use our newfound power ring for good and not just go around frivolously making constructs of naked green women… we can’t vouch for Lautner or the others.

You can see lots more pictures of the ring and the other stuff described in our gallery or by clicking on the image above.

Green Lantern opens everywhere in 3D and 2D theaters on June 17, and hopefully some of this cool stuff will be available for other citizens of Earth down the road.
