Zack Snyder Reveals Who His Green Lantern Actor Was

Zack Snyder previously revealed that the closing scene of his Justice League, featuring the Martian Manhunter, originally featured Green Lantern instead. He even went so far as to shoot the scene, until Warner Bros. insisted he not use a Green Lantern character. But at least initially, Snyder would not reveal the actor, prompting many to speculate some big name star had done a secret cameo.

This weekend, at an online Justice Con panel, Snyder finally spilled the beans. His choice for John Stewart was Wayne T. Carr. Like Ray Fisher, Carr is mostly a stage actor with no previous movie credits. In fact, it was Fisher who introduced the two. Carr will make his big-screen debut in a small role in Joel Coen’s Macbeth, for which he also serves as a “Shakespeare Consultant.”

Carr’s Stewart would have shown up onscreen in Justice League, flanked by an all-CG Kilowog. Snyder shot the scene in his driveway, where he also shot Harry Lennix’s transformation from Martha Kent into J’onn J’onzz.

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You can watch the entire panel in the player below. Snyder and writer Chris Terrio describe their writing influences and structures, and reveal why Steppenwolf was being punished by Darkseid. (SPOILER: It involves an attempted coup on Apokolips.)

And yes, the Green Lantern costume would have been CG, not unlike Ryan Reynolds’ controversial duds. Though Snyder did say it would have looked as much like a non-CG costume as possible. COVID lockdown limited what they could do practically.

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Recommended Reading: Green Lantern: Earth One Vol. 1

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