Skeleton Crew Easter Eggs: All Major Star Wars References in Episode 8
Photo Credit: Disney+

Skeleton Crew Easter Eggs: All Major Star Wars References in Episode 8

Star Wars: Skeleton Crew has dropped its final episode. It showcased the Onyx Cinder’s kids engaging in a fierce battle with Jod Na Nawood and his pirates. In addition to this, fans have grown curious about the major easter egg references in the episode. These references help fans connect with the overall Star Wars franchise. So, are you excited to find out the easter eggs in Skeleton Crew Episode 8?

Here is a list of all the major easter eggs and Star Wars references in the eighth and final episode of the show.

All major Star Wars references and easter eggs in Skeleton Crew Episode 8

Skeleton Crew Episode 8 boasted numerous easter eggs and Star Wars references, which left fans thrilled and intrigued.

The Supervisor’s Resemblance to Hal 9000 

Fans can easily figure out that the Supervisor bears a stark resemblance to the character of Hal 9000 in the Space Odyssey series. Hal 9000 was an AI character and the central villain in the series. The Supervisor in Skeleton Crew reminds fans of the villain’s appearance, particularly the red lens.

A Republic message about Jedi being traitors 

The episode also showcases the Supervisor receiving a message from the Republic calling all Jedi traitors. This connects to Palpantine’s decision to kill the Jedi Order in Revenge of the Sith.

Jod killing the Supervisor

Fans witness Jod killing the Supervisor by attacking his eye with his lightsaber. This reminds viewers of The Phantom Menace where Qui-Gon melted the Trade Federation doors with the saber.

Droids getting deactivated

The episode features another exciting reference to The Phantom Menace through the deactivation of the droids following the Supervisor’s death. In The Phantom Menace, Gungans pushes the battle droids after the destruction of the control ship.


Jod’s pirates threatening At Attin on skiffs strongly reminds fans of Jabba’s enforcers in the 1983 movie Return of the Jedi.

Corellian Corvette

The finale also showcases the arrival of the classic ship known as the Corellian Corvette, which was used by the Rebellion.

Originally reported by Ritika Singh on ComingSoon.
