If you’re going to make a ridiculously expensive replica vehicle, might as well do every variant and get the most out of the tooling. Deep-pocketed collectors may want them all; others can choose the version that’s right for them. On the whole, though, the Old West setting of Back to the Future III tends to get neglected by toy companies, relative to 1985 and its “future” 2015. Hot Toys‘ newest version of the signature time-travel DeLorean may help balance those scales single-handedly, however. It’s the final version, ready to ride the rails and get pushed into a return time trip by a train.
Time Travel vs. Inflation
If you have to ask, you probably can’t afford…okay, yeah, it costs $805. Installment plans are available, and it doesn’t ship until at least the spring of 2025, so, uh, how optimistic are you about your salary this year?
Wait until you hear about its features. Per the official copy, it comes with a “hood box and rail wheels. Measures 72cm long, the entire vehicle is applied with delicate weathering effects and features multiple LED light-up points on the exterior design and interior controls, signature gull-wing doors, a highly-detailed hood box with belts attached, real-like cable wires across the exterior structure, detail recreation of the firebox temperature device, Mr. Fusion energy reactor, time machine engine deck, and cabin controls. Comes with detailed accessories such as a firebox temperature device, alarm clock, and tow bar to recreate scenes.”
Additionally, “Wheel position is adjustable for traveling on uneven open terrain. Also attachable rail wheels convert it into Rail DeLorean for alternate display.” It seats two 12-inch figures, not included.
Given the price of gas these days, many of us could use a good train push to get the car going. Best not to actually do that for real, but with this high-end collectible, you can certainly imagine it. Check out the pics below.