As a brutish henchman, Beast Man is supposed to tower over other Masters of the Universe characters like He-Man. In toy form, however, he doesn’t often get executed that way. Most Masters of the Universe lines depend upon reusable body parts, so in Origins, Masterverse, and Classics, his furry body type needed to be reused for the likes of Stratos, and sometimes Moss Man. Only the 2002 line gave him his own hulking physique, until now. Mondo‘s version will stand at 13-inches tall, a full inch higher than their other Masters figures besides Battle Cat.
Extra size may mean fewer accessories, but it’s hard to fault the ones he has. Typically, Beast man only wields a whip, but this one includes a sword and blaster inspired by the 1987 live-action movie, as well as a wired poseable whip, goblet, piece of meat, and animal skulls to hang from his outfit. His appearance overall incorporates elements of every classic version, but looks to draw most heavily on the 2002 and movie versions, with an O.G, color scheme, and bonus head based on the original toy. His red fur top feels up-to-the-minute, resembling the recent New Eternia version.

Like previous Mondo MOTU figures, Beast Man’s preorders will open for ten days, from Tuesday Oct. 3 at noon central time to Friday, Oct. 13 at 11:59 a.m. (also central). After that, would-be buyers may find themselves as luckless as Crystal Lake campers on that particular day/date combo. He’ll cost $275, and should ship sometime around February.
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