Hasbro’s in-house, online convention is in full swing, kicking off with Transformers reveals of all shapes and sizes, from across the multiverse. Next year marks the 40th anniversary of the toy line, and a new branding umbrella of “Legacy United.” Transformers was one of the first lines to say that all continuities count, as a way of reconciling all the different interpretations from Bay (Michael) to anime.

Devilishly Good
The Core Class, being the smallest and most affordable, aimed at kids with lower budgets and smaller fingers to work the fiddly transformation, has several additions: Energon Megatron, Beast Wars II Tasmania Kid/Snarl (maybe the first Tasmanian devil action figure based on the real animal and not the WB cartoon!), and Infernac Universe Bouldercrash (an Armorizer who turns into a lava trike and a rock weapon).

The Infernac Universe continues into Deluxe Class with rock-based truck Magneous, who can also come apart to form armor. Transformers Animated Bumblebee, Rescue Bots Universe Autobot Chase (adapting characters from the toddler-aimed series to collector-level detail!), and Cyberverse Windblade. Mid-sized Voyager figures deliver Animated Optimus Prime and Prime Universe Thundertron.

For Leader Class, Tiger Hawk (part Tigertron, part Airrazor, all awesome) hails from the Beast Wars universe, and a package refresh of Generation 2’s Laser Optimus Prime with those controversial flames.

Expect all these to go up for preorder at 4 p.m. eastern for Hasbro Pulse members, and at 5 p.m. for other retail sites. Take a look at some more images down below to decide which ones you might want.