Edward James Olmos on The Green Hornet

The Los Angeles Times got a chance to talk to Edward James Olmos about his character in Columbia Pictures’ The Green Hornet and how the movie is progressing. Here are several clips:

Olmos’ character works alongside James Reid, publisher of the Sentinel and father of Britt.

“We’re the backbone of the paper,” he said. “Things go awry, and I end up having to try to sustain what’s going on in our lives. And of course the Green Hornet doesn’t make it any easier. I don’t want to give anything away.”

Chow is out as the new Kato, and Taiwanese actor Jay Chou is now in. And “Inglourious Basterds” antagonist Christoph Waltz — not Cage — will portray Chudnofsky, the Green Hornet’s nemesis.

“It took a while, but things are finally coming together,” said Olmos, who revealed he has one major stunt in which he gets zapped. “I think it’s going to be very exciting. People will find that it’s different than what they expect. Seth is doing a wonderful job. There’s a lot of everything. IT’s going to be action-filled, and there’s a lot of humor in the situations. It’s really a well-crafted piece of work. Hopefully people will enjoy it and we’ll have a few of these films.”

You can check out the full article here. The studio is planning a December 17, 2010 release for the Michel Gondry-directed comic book adaptation.

Source: Los Angeles Times


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