USA Weekend brought together Gwyneth Paltrow, Liv Tyler and Maggie Gyllenhaal to talk about starring in Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk and The Dark Knight, respectively. Here’s a clip with a spoiler on The Dark Knight:
Was it lonely being the only woman in a comic book movie?
Liv: I’m used to that world from “The Lord of the Rings,” even though it wasn’t really a comic book.
Maggie: Everybody on my set was a guy! I have two lovers in the movie, and they’re both these gorgeous men. Come to think of it, there were a lot of powerful, manly men around, and I didn’t mind that particularly. [Laughs.]
Gwyneth: Mine was definitely a testosterone-fest. I was the only girl for miles, except for the women working in the wardrobe, hair and makeup departments. I would have time off when the guys would go blow things up in the desert, and every time I went back to work, they were happy to have a girl there. They had kind of forgotten that there were women in the world.
You can check it out here, while more photos and answers are up here.
Source: USA Weekend