UPDATE #12: The Dark Knight Viral Campaign

The Dark Knight Jack-O’-Lantern is gone at WhySoSerious.com and has been replaced with a new game.

It looks like the Warner Bros. marketing folks are about to send fans on another hunt tomorrow morning after daybreak. Fans in many cities across the nation are being asked to do specific things, so get in on the game at the link above.

We’ll post the result of the game soon…

UPDATE #1: Many readers have written in that the fans have uncovered the secret message, which reads “The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules.”

UPDATE #2: The message mentioned in UPDATE #1 has been completed by the fans. A shadow will go over the letters and then you can click on the bottom right (where you can see part of a photo). You’ll get a peek at a new photo of Heath Ledger as The Joker! Click that photo and you’ll be taken to RorysDeathKiss.com, another game, where they are asking you to take photos of yourself, family and friends dressed up for Halloween in front of the most famous landmark in your city. If the fans do this, the site says, “I’ll do something for you.”

UPDATE #3: It took a bit longer than the fans had thought it would, but a link has finally been added to RorysDeathKiss.com where you can submit your Halloween photos of you, your friends and/or family. The deadline to send them in is November 17th, so you still have a while. To do so, either click on the “Smile” text on the site or go directly here.

UPDATE #4: RorysDeathKiss.com has updated again with pictures of the participants.

UPDATE #5: The submission process at RorysDeathKiss.com has ended and a new message has appeared from The Joker, saying: “What a crime scene! The clock’s struck 12 and I’m sending something for each and every one of you clowns who made my list by the deadline. The fun-filled times should roll in shortly after the bird’s been carved! Don’t you just love the taste of envelope glue?” Looks like all the fans who sent in photos will be getting something after Thanksgiving!

UPDATE #6: And the mail has arrived! Fans have started posting on the SHH! Boards that their special package has come which includes 25 copies of “The Gotham Times” newspaper (4 pages long), including about 20 articles “ranging from Bruce Wayne’s partying ways, to Batman saving the day, to Harvey Dent tip lines bringing in corrupt cops.” You can view pics here.

In the newspaper, there is a small classified ad that reads: “Charming handsome man with dazzling smile seeks amateur clowns for discreet encounters. No previous sense of humor nexessary. Criminal record a plus. Interested? Write to HumanResources@WhySoSerious.com in the full understanding that we have your email address and might send you alarming, disturbing, or annyoing material at any moment.”

This is what you get as a reply if you e-mail that address: “See you found my little message. So, do you think you have what it takes to be a part of my circle of friends? Are you a backstabbing, self-promoting, ambitious clown who will do anything to prove yourself to me? If so, the first step of your application process awaits…if you know where to look.”

Stay tuned to TheGothamTimes.com on Friday, which we assume would be an online version of the above mentioned newspaper articles.

UPDATE #7: Fans were surprised today because not only did TheGothamTimes.com go live, featuring the 4-page newspaper that was sent to them this week, but along with it came an additional 5 viral sites. Found within TheGothamTimes.com (try clicking around) were:






A phone number was also found, 1-866-237-6480, where you can dial 1 and leave a message.

UPDATE #8: Two more sites have been discovered:



You can also e-mail LetterstotheEditor@TheGothamTimes.com and Stories@RememberingGina.org.

UPDATE #9: We, as well as the fans, received the following today from humanresources@whysoserious.com:

If you’ve finished my quiz, then it’s time for the next step in the interview process, something to test your aptitude. Spaces count:

* Eighth

* Sixth

* Eighth

* Ninth

* Ninth

* Second

* Fourth

* Second

* Third

Which ends up leading you to WhySoSerious.com/Mausoleum. How? And how do I open that vault? Follow the discussion here!

UPDATE #10: So how do you open the vault? Just set your computer’s clock to 7:38AM and refresh the page (and don’t forget to reset your clock to the correct time afterwards!). 7:38AM is the time Taffyface was killed, as listed in The Gotham Times. And Joker’s clue after the personality profile was “Time for Taffy.”

Haven’t see enough viral sites yet? How about four more…





UPDATE #11: Another site is up, GPDIAD.com.

UPDATE #12: While we’ve loved covering this viral campaign, after receiving about 3,000 e-mails as it’s going on, we’re going to ask you to post your updates on the SHH! Boards from here on out. We’ll be checking the fans’ updates and posts there as well, and if there are any major revelations, we’ll mention them here again. Thanks!

Source: The Fans


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