Warner Bros. Pictures is saddling up to bring DC Comics’ Western anti-hero comic book Jonah Hex to the big screen, with filmmakers Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor on board to adapt, says The Hollywood Reporter.
Hex, known for having the right side of his face disfigured and wearing a Confederate army uniform, was a rough-and-tumble gunslinger and part-time bounty hunter whose adventures always ended in blood.
“Hex” first appeared in the early 1970s in the issues of “All-Star Western” before graduating to his own series in 1977 that ran for about 10 years. A new series was launched in 2005. The character also had a run in the 1990s that combined the Western genre with supernatural elements.
The filmmakers are not making a straight-ahead Western but plan to develop the character with some of the supernatural overtones in the hopes of creating a franchise.
Neveldine and Taylor wrote and directed Crank, which starred Jason Statham.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter