Spider-Man was spotted today in Las Vegas!
He is hanging off a ledge of The Venetian Resort~Hotel~Casino overlooking The Strip where he will remain through this weekend (May 5-6). Spider-Man then will move into Madame Tussauds Las Vegas at The Venetian where he will enjoy an extended stay.
“The Spider-Man character is an international celebrity and his fans have requested many times to have us bring him to Madame Tussauds Las Vegas since the wild success of the first ‘Spider-Man’ film. We are very grateful to The Venetian and General Growth Properties, Inc., for helping us promote him in such a unique way,” said Adrian Jones, general manager of Madame Tussauds Las Vegas.
The full-sized figure is perched below the giant Madame Tussauds sign just above the entrance to Sephora Cosmetiques at The Venetian. Ultimately Spider-Man will be moved back into the attraction where fans will be able to photograph the figure.
“Spider-Man will be an excellent addition to Madame Tussauds Las Vegas and we are delighted to welcome him to The Venetian,” stated Paul Pusateri, senior vice president of The Venetian. “His unique placement hanging off the edge of the building is sure to create excitement on the Las Vegas Strip.”

Source: Madame Tussauds Las Vegas