The latest round of Superman Returns updates includes the official announcement has Grauman’s Chinese theater in Hollywood will host the film’s premiere on June 22.
Actor Frank Langella, who plays Perry White, participated in a chat at The Envelope and had good things to say about “Returns”:
Frank Langella: Superman Returns. I went from the last shot in GNGL at 9 or 10 PM at night, then I jumped out of the car and jumped into a waiting car, changed, hugged GC and raced to airport and JUST got on the plane in time to go to Aus, 24 hours later, I was standing on the set of Superman.
Athony: oh WOW
Andy: ha ha
Frank Langella: I landed in Sydney and dropped my suitcases, went straight to the set for costume fitting, it was wonderful and , but stressful.
Carlos Solis: That’s a pretty exciting schedule.
Athony: What was it like to work with Kate Bosworth? And does Brandon Routh have what it takes to be the Man of Steel?
Frank Langella: I found the kids in Superman to be a wonderful unspoiled bunch of talented young actors
Frank Langella: They started out by calling me “Mr. Langella,” then by end of first week we were all friends.
Frank Langella: 3.5 months of shooting
Athony: Haha, thats so cool!
AndreaWeaver: wow!
AndreaWeaver: that’s a long shooting schedule
Blue eyed baby: do you think that people will be comparing Brandon to former Supermen like Christopher Reeve?
Athony: its inevitable
Frank Langella: Bryan Singer is like a child in a candy store. He would often take me around to other sets for the film and show me the toys, gadgets, many miniaturized sets. He adores that world and it was fun to be a part of it, be in a film like that.
Frank Langella: It was like recess at school.
Tom O’Neil: Do you feel that films like “Superman” get gypped at awards? That they don’t get taken seriously as great movies when, in fact, they are?
Blue eyed baby: I don’t think sci-fi and fantasy films get enough credit, sometimes.
Meanwhile, the Somerset Patriots will be celebrating Superman Returns with a “Superman Night” on June 29:
Fans will be able to win Superman related prizes and movie tickets to see the new movie. Superman will be at the ballpark and young fans are encouraged to dress up in Superman apparel to win great prizes and receive ticket discounts.
And Promo Xtra reports that Kids Station Toys International is one of the licensees:
Warner Bros. Consumer Products has tapped Kids Station Toys International the rights to create a new line of youth-focused consumer electronics based on DC Comics’ Superman franchise. Products include TVs, DVD players, MP3 players, personal CD players, phone and two-way communication devices. Kid Station will also develop two separate lines of S-Shield products—Superman in blue, red and yellow for men and boys and Supergirl for women and girls in pink and white. The new products are slated to roll out in June in time for the 2006 release of the film Superman Returns from Warner Bros. Pictures. Also in May, Kids Station will launch a new line of Batmen electronics, including a batman MP3 player and a portable Batman CD player.
Source: Superhero Hype!