On August 28, 2005, ComingSoon.net/SuperheroHype.com visited the set of Superman Returns (codenamed “Red Sun”) in Sydney. In the coming months, we’ll be sharing our set reports and interviews with you as WB gives us the green light.
I’ll share with you what I saw as I visited the set with gray crystals, the train set, a yacht set, and the partially demolished Daily Planet set. I also got a chance to visit the art department where I saw paintings of the remnants of Krypton, Superman’s spaceship, a mansion, tons of Alex Ross art and shots from the big action sequence of the film. I even got a chance to examine the Superman costume to check out its intricate details.
Of the crew, we talked to director Bryan Singer, production designer Guy Dyas, writers Michael Dougherty and Dan Harris, producer Gil Adler, executive producer Chris Lee, and costumers Dan Bronson and Louise Mingenbach. Of the cast, we talked to Parker Posey, Kal Penn, and Kate Bosworth. We even watched Kevin Spacey film a scene at the Australian Museum.
We also spoke with Superman himself, Brandon Routh. Brandon actually went around the table and shook hands with every journalist there. We all liked him immediately. As Brandon spoke, I was shocked by how much he resembled Christopher Reeve at times. Brandon would just be chatting away, then he’d smile and you’d get an instant shock at how he looked like Reeve’s Clark Kent. It was simultaneously eerie and cool. Routh really impressed us with his knowledge of the comics. (The Superman fans in our group later admitted that they were throwing comics questions at Routh to test the depths of his knowledge. None of them were able to stump him.) In the end we were impressed with the guy and liked him a lot. Singer has picked a good Superman.
Look for more set visit reports in the coming months!
Source: Scott Chitwood