‘A1ant’ wrote in with news on an article found in the latest Entertainment Weekly which talks about the director switch for X-Men 3:
I saw a short blurb on X-MEN 3 in the latest ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY Magazine. Most of the same ol stuff, talking about Vaughn/ Ratner, but there were a couple new quotes:
With Fox determined to meet a Memorial Day 2006 release, RUSH HOUR’s Brett Ratner was quickly hired to shoot a script on which he had no input.
“Other directors might have been wary. But Brett is very confident,” says producer Avi Arad. Adds Ratner: “It wasn’t like there were any mistakes to clean up. It was all fantastic.”
The entire X-cast returns, including Hugh Jackman (now also a producer; the star endorsed Ratner) and Halle Berry (in an expanded role). Joining them: Kelsey Grammer as a furry blue genius named Beast.
Source: A1ant