‘Brian Q.’ has sent in this Ghost Rider set report along with some great pictures showing the Hell Cycle on-set and the stunt double in costume and with the yellow helmet (for the fire to be added later):
Ghost Rider is still filming 2nd Unit at AXA Plaza on Collins Street in Melbourne CBD. I went down last night to observe and they were filming an exterior action sequence outside the AXA building which has been dressed as the ‘Longhorn Insurance Company’. The ghost-rider motor cycle was parked at the base of the building and wheels set alight. The action double had the special helmet with yellow lights attached (I assume these are reference markers to allow compositing the fire effects in post-production)and was approaching the police who reacted and ducked in response. Earlier in the evening the swat team and police were filmed firing their weapons, which was quite loud. Security stated that most sequences involving gunfights have to be filmed after midnight.
Note: The film has reverted to the original acronym for SWAT which is
Special Weapons Attack Team. This has recently been changed to Special
Weapons And Tactics for a more PC climate.

Source: Brian Q.