Sin City 2 & 3 Shooting Back to Back? has posted an interesting rumor on what plans Robert Rodriguez might have for Sin City sequels. The site says:

Robert Rodriguez will be shooting back to back sequels for SIN CITY 2 and 3 starting February of next year for a release presumably summer of 2007. I guess the studio big wigs were satisfied with the commercial and critical appeal of the uber-cool SIN CITY that they jumped on the shooting back to back sequels bandwagon. Further, Rodriguez plans to start shooting a film titled CONAN for Warner Bros. after he’s done with the sequels. We’re not sure whether CONAN is the same sequel that’s been in development for a few years now, Conan O’Brien’s scintillating tell-all autobiography or something completely original.

Stay tuned for possibly more on these developments.

Source: Dr. Doom
