Joss Whedon to Talk About X-Men 3

‘Rafferty Rulz’ pointed us to this site where “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “Angel” creator Joss Whedon says he will talk about politics and X-Men 3 this Sunday, October 24th.

The truth about the X-Men is…much less important than this election. Much less important than putting someone in the White House who knows the difference between leading and bullying. I’m here to confirm that I will be doing the phone-party on Saunday and I’m urging any and everyone to attend one or even host one. ( I plan to be incredibly funny and insightful, or mention some people who have been in the past. We can talk about politics, we can talk about Buffy, we can talk about car maintenence (though I’ll mostly just listen at that point) and I will once and for all tell you all what IS going on with the X-Men. And then we can talk about politics some more.

For more info on the event, click here. If you get a chance to participate, don’t hesitate to fill us in on what was said!

Source: Rafferty Rulz
