Sigourney Weaver Was Going to be Emma Frost

The Canadian Press spoke to X2: X-Men United screenwriter Dan Harris who says Sigourney Weaver would have played Emma Frost in X-Men 3 if Bryan Singer & Co. had stayed on board instead of doing Superman instead…

“We were going to do X-Men 3 for a little while and our big secret or coup was – and it’s not going to happen so it’s OK – we wanted to have a character that was Emma Frost, a famous X-Men character. She’s called the white queen,” said Harris, whose next project is helping write the much-hyped Superman script.

“We were going to ask Sigourney to be it. She was an empath in our version of the movie which means she could control people’s emotions.”

Looking surprised at the thought of herself as a superhero, Weaver replied: “I try to do that.”

“You could look at someone and make them cry on cue or hate you or be lonely,” answered Harris, who looks like he’s barely out of college.

“Write it into Superman,” quipped a smiling Weaver.

Weaver stars in Harris’ directorial debut, “Imaginary Heroes.”

Source: Canadian Press
