We know the Superman auditions are taking place right now, and here’s a report from ‘Tim Burner’ on his experience…
Hi, just wanted to comment that I auditioned for the role of Superman in Baltimore, MD on Friday, it was quite an experience. There were quite a few guys there that looked the Superman part. I read lines for the Clark Kent scene where he first meets Perry White in the 1978 Superman movie; and I also read lines from the superman scene in which Lois interviews him on top of the building (i.e. the pink underwear scene). It was great. I was very nervous but will never forget the experience of getting the opportunity to screen test for my favorite character of all time.
Meanwhile, MTV also talked to McG, who was once attached to direct, about the project…
As for “Superman,” McG wishes Bryan Singer the best. “I was really passionate about telling the genesis story of that character, and ultimately we decided we were going to part company [with Warner Bros.],” he said. “Bryan, look what he did with ‘X-Men.’ He’s a fantastic talent, and I’m sure it will be fantastic. And when the time is right, that picture is going to get made.”
Source: Tim Burner