Some of the reasons I really like Kirsten Dunst is that she speaks her mind, treats her friends like family and she waits in line for breakfast like the rest of us. Sony threw us a huge breakfast before the interviews for Spider-Man 2 on 4th Ave. on the Sony lot. A big breakfast buffet complete with a guy making omelets. When Kirsten arrived bright and early, she jumped in line with the press and waited her turn like everyone else. Not only did she get her breakfast but also food for four of the people with her and carried it up to her waiting room all the while talking and laughing with people. She seems like the girl next door in the first Spider-Man and not the Melodramatic Mary Jane in the sequel.
“It is so melodramatic,” says Kirsten about the anticipated film. “It’s very dramatic. I think that’s real. Nobody’s like breathing hard. Emotion can come when you’re looking in your closet and you can burst into tears. I don’t think of it that way at all like this is a real intense scene. I push away from that. Whenever the script says ‘she cries’ or she does this, it’s not human, it’s not people, so I just kind of ignore that. But it is a melodramatic film.”
Even after being abducted by both the Green Goblin and Doc Ock, she still finds the character interesting. “The last movie, Tobey is the one who made the decision about us being friends and in this movie I make the whole decision behind this relationship. She’s the driving force in their relationship and she’s the one telling him and moving it in whatever. A good direction or a bad direction whatever she’s doing. She’s the only one really talking about it and she’s a good character to look up to.”

Kirsten adds that, “I’m happy with the way she was written. She’s not this perfect girl because that’s not truthful either. She comes from this messed up family. Her dad is an alcoholic of course she’s not going to choose the right guys. I do like the direction… I liked the words she had to say and how she reacted to Peter. Sometimes it gets tired when I’m tied up but that’s part of it. It’s a fantasy too.”
She does say she has doubts about future “Spider-Man” sequels, “How much can you squeeze out? The first one was great, the second movie is great, we can make a great third movie. Sam Raimi would have a heart attack if he had to do one more and I wouldn’t want to make the movie without Sam. I don’t think I’d do a fourth one, the only way I’d do a fourth one is if Sam was doing it and Tobey was doing it and there was an awesome script, then I would but not if those elements weren’t there.”
Dunst knew from the get-go what she she was getting into with the “Spider-Man” franchise, “I knew it would be huge and change my life and now I could get movies made, or it wouldn’t be hard for me to finance a movie or to star in it. I love the story and I really wanted to be a part of it. It was as pure as that and it wasn’t about motives and career, I knew it would be great. But you never know. I was just moved by the story and that’s why I wanted to do it.”
She was previously quoted as saying that they should kill off Mary Jane in a future Spidey film. “I don’t think they should kill Mary Jane off,” she says now. “That would be typical if they killed the girl at the end. I think they should kill Spider-Man at the end of the third film. It would be a surprise, a superhero defeated,” she says jokingly.

Another film she was eager to do was the upcoming tennis movie “Wimbledon”, “We went to Wimbledon, I would hang out with Venus and Serena Williams a little bit. They’re just really cool girls and I really liked hanging out with them. Serena would just laugh at me and I just watched them play and of course I don’t have their bodies. I’m not as strong or powerful but it’s really about having this circular kind of motion like you’re going to turn in a circle when you hit. They gave me things to put in my head while I’m playing, stuff like that. I actually didn’t play that much tennis but my character is very aggressive and young in the way that she hasn’t got it down yet, but she’s very aggressive and she puts all her energy into it. She doesn’t have the elegance yet but she has the fiery kind of tennis player in her.”
Kirsten is excited to return to a comedy movie but one thing she will never do is another franchise movie like “Spider-Man”, “No, God no, not unless I want to do in my career. To do a franchise of another would be a disaster. You do one, but not two.”
Well I think the girl who gets her own breakfast can do anything she wants and it will all turn out a success. Spider-Man 2 swings into theaters everywhere June 30th.

Source: Chuck the Movieguy