‘Nicklogan’ sent Superhero Hype! this exclusive look at a maquette of The Thing which was on display at the recent International Make Up Artist Trade Show in Pasadena, where it was announced that the team who worked on the Hellboy special effects would also be creating The Thing in Fantastic Four.
Tim Story is directing the Marvel adaptation at 20th Century Fox for a July 1, 2005 release date. No cast has been announced yet.
UPDATE: The maquette (shown here) was produced by Steve Johnson’s EdgeFx, who are NOT working on FF. That honor has fallen to the talented folks at Spectral Motion. So the Thing here is NOT what he will look like in the new film and was sipmly part of a display at the makeup artists tradeshow!
Check out the full image by clicking the thumbnail below!

Source: Nicklogan, MarvelMovies