NY Times on Catwoman & Spider-Man 2 Toys

The NY Times has a great article on this year’s and next year’s toys. Here’s the bits on Spider-Man 2 and Catwoman

Also next year, the big studios are coming out with “Shrek 2” and “Spider-Man 2,” with a new villain named Doc Ock. Internet sites are already selling posters of “Doc Ock”: Dr. Otto Octavius, played by Alfred Molina.

Also coming is the next Harry Potter: “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.” Harry Potter toys, analysts say, appeal to both boys and girls, aged 7 and older; “Spider-Man 2” is intended to appeal to children 3 to 10, geared more to boys than girls, and “Shrek 2” to roughly the same group.

“The stores are already ordering heavily from ‘Spider-Man 2,’ ” said Mr. Silver, who gathers sales statistics from the toy manufacturers. “And Doc Ock is already big, very big. We’re talking hundreds of millions of dollars total.”

And next summer will see what toy experts call the greatest experiment in years: Halle Berry starring in “Catwoman,” a Warner Brothers production.

“There’s never been anything like this – a woman action-hero movie,” Mr. Silver said. “Sure, there was Wonder Woman, but that was on television. Then there was Charlie’s Angels, I guess, but it wasn’t the same, not pure superhero.

“It’s been the talk of the industry for many years, that girls need and want superheroes, action women. Halle Berry is a huge star, with huge demographic appeal. But will younger boys, 8-, 9-, 10-year-old boys, be interested in Catwoman?

“And then it’ll be interesting to see how that translates into toy sales.”

Hit the link above for the full article!

Source: NY Times
