Joss Whedon Pitched a Batman Film

CGQ reports that Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly creator Joss Whedon pitched a Batman film to Warner Bros., but he didn’t get quite the reaction he was looking for.

Just prior to Christmas 2002, Joss Whedon had a day that was memorable for all the wrong reasons. It began optimistically enough, with him arriving at Warner Bros. to pitch his take on a new Batman film.

“I came up with an idea that I really loved, which was an origin story,” Whedon reflects. “After I finished pitching it, they looked at me like I was a video fishbowl. I came out of there thinking, ‘How many more lessons do I need that the machine doesn’t care about the creative process?’ When I got back to my office and found that Firefly was canceled, I thought, ‘Okay, maybe one more lesson.'”

Thanks to ‘Casey S. Rusbridge’ for the heads up.

Source: CFQ
