James Marsden on X-Men: First Class

ComingSoon.net asked James Marsden about the possibility of him returning as Scott Summers/Cyclops in 20th Century Fox’s X-Men: First Class, but he said he has not heard anything:

I would not think twice about being part of any incarnation of the “X-Men” films. Another one I know nothing about but we got to be very close on those movies. It was a family and a formula that really worked. That would really excite me and please me to go back to that. You just have to cross your fingers and hope that it comes together. You want nothing more as an actor to be doing work that people love and the couple of “X-Men” movies that I was lucky to be a part of were examples of films that worked on so many different levels. It’s so rare to be a part of something like that.

Bryan Singer and Lauren Shuler Donner are producing the film, which does not yet have a start date or release date.

You can read the full interview with Marsden here.

Source: ComingSoon.net
